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About this Conference
Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Dates 11/02/2020 - 11/06/2020
Location Virtual Event
Scope MS&T20 is the most comprehensive forum for materials science and engineering technologies. Attendees learn from materials specialists, explore diverse materials applications, and experience the synergy of this materials community! MS&T crosses the boundaries of most materials events by bringing together a broad range of technical sessions and expertise through the strengths of three major materials organizations: The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).

The expansive technical program is coupled with an impressive exhibition of innovative technologies with every industry in materials science represented. Be a part of this exciting, growing event!

Conference Chair MS&T Administration, MS&T PCC
Meeting Home Page

12th International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technologies for Materials Manufacturing and Processing
2020 Undergraduate Student Poster Contest
ACerS-ECerS Joint Symposium - Emerging Ceramic Technologies; Challenges and Future Prospects
ACerS Frontiers of Science and Society - Rustum Roy Lecture
ACerS Richard M. Fulrath Award Session
ACerS/EPDC: Arthur L. Friedberg Ceramic Engineering Tutorial and Lecture
Additive Manufacturing Modeling and Simulation: AM Materials, Processes, and Mechanics
Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic-based Materials: Process Development, Materials, Process Optimization and Applications
Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics and Ceramic Composites: Materials Properties, Processes, and Modeling
Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Complex Microstructures and Architecture Design
Additive Manufacturing: Alloy Design to Develop New Feedstock Materials
Additive Manufacturing: Equipment, Instrumentation and Measurement
Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Alloy Development, Microstructure and Properties
Additive Manufacturing: Mechanical Behavior of Lattice Structures Produced via AM
Additive Manufacturing: Microstructure and Material Properties of Titanium-based Materials
Additive Manufacturing: Qualification and Certification
Advanced Characterization of Materials for Nuclear, Radiation, and Extreme Environments
Advanced Coatings for Wear and Corrosion Protection
Advanced Manufacturing, Processing, Characterization and Modeling of Functional Materials
Advanced Materials for Harsh Environments
Advanced Steel Metallurgy
Advances in Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices
Advances in Surface Engineering
Advances in Synthesis and Integration Methods for Enhanced Properties, and Applications in Emerging Nanomaterials
Advances in Zinc-coated Sheet Steel Processing and Properties
AI for Big Data Problems in Imaging, Modeling and Synthesis
Applications of Modern Characterization Techniques to Ferrous Alloys and Steel Products
Art and Cultural Heritage: Discoveries and Education
Artificial Intelligence for Materials Design and Process Optimization
Broadening Participation in the Materials Science and Engineering Profession
BSD/PCSA: Humanitarian Engineering Symposium
Bulk and Sheet Thermal-Deformation Processing and Microstructure Development in Metals – Characterization, Experiments and Modeling
Ceramic and Crystal Materials for Optics and Photonics
Ceramic Matrix Composites
Ceramics and Glasses Simulations and Machine Learning
Ceramics in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Coating and Thin Film Materials for Energy, Aerospace, Environment and Biological Applications
Coatings to Protect Materials from Extreme Environments
Computation Assisted Materials Development for Improved Corrosion Resistance
Controlled Synthesis, Processing, and Applications of Structural and Functional Nanomaterials
Curricular Innovations and Continuous Improvement of Academic Programs (and Satisfying ABET along the Way): The Elizabeth Judson Memorial Symposium
Emergent Materials under Extremes and Decisive In Situ Characterizations
Engineered Phase Transformations
Engineering Ceramics: Microstructures, Properties, and Applications
Environmentally Assisted Cracking: Theory and Practice
Functional Defects in Electroceramic Materials
Glasses, Optical Materials, and their Functional Applications: Current Issues in Science & Technology
Grain Boundaries, Interfaces, and Surfaces in Functional Materials: Fundamental Structure-Property-Performance Relationships
High Entropy Materials: Concentrated Solid Solution, Intermetallics, Ceramics, Functional Materials and Beyond
High Temperature Corrosion and Degradation of Structural Materials
Innovations in Refractory Ceramic Technology for Iron and Steel Applications
Integration between Modeling and Experiments for Crystalline Metals: From Atomistic to Macroscopic Scales II
Interfaces and Phase Transformations
Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
Journal of the American Ceramic Society Awards Symposium
Late News Poster Session
Light Metal and Composites Technology
Low Density Advanced Composite Materials
Machine Learning for Discovery of Structure-Process-Property Relations in Electronic Materials
Manufacturing and Processing of Advanced Ceramic Materials
Materials Design through AI Composition and Process Optimization
Materials Informatics and Modeling for 21st Century Ceramics Research
Materials Informatics for Images and Multi-dimensional Datasets
Materials vs Minerals: Bridging the Gap between Materials Science and Earth and Planetary Science
Metallurgy and Magnetism
Micro- and Nano-Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Microstructure and Physical Property Optimization in High Entropy Alloys
MS&T Student Events
MS&T20 Plenary Session
Multi-material Additive Manufacturing: Processing and Heterogeneous Materials Design
Multiscale Modeling of Microstructure Deformation in Material Processing
Nanotechnology for Energy, Environment, Electronics, Healthcare and Industry
Naval/Maritime Applications of Additively Manufactured Parts: Design and Experimental Approaches
Next Generation Biomaterials
Phase Transformations in Additively Manufactured Materials
Powder Metallurgy of Light, Reactive and Other Non-ferrous Metals
Probabilistic Life Prediction of Materials in Aging Systems
Processing and Performance of Materials Using Microwaves, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Ultrasound, Lasers, and Mechanical Work – Rustum Roy Symposium
Sintering and Related Powder Processing Science and Technologies
Solid State Processing of Metals and Composites
Substrate Protection for Corrosion Prevention
Surface Treatments and Properties of Titanium and Titanium Alloys: A Forum on New Strategies and Processes for Biomedical and Industrial Advanced Applications
Synthesis, Characterization and Application of 3D Graphene
Synthesis, Characterization, Modeling and Applications of Functional Porous Materials
The Materials Genome Initiative and Materials R&D in the 2020s
Thermodynamic Properties, Structure and Phase Stabilities of Special Alloys
Thermodynamics of Materials in Extreme Environments

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