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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Multiscale Modeling of Microstructure Deformation in Material Processing
Organizer(s) Lukasz Madej, AGH University of Science and Technology
Jaimie Tiley, AFRL/RXLMD
Krzysztof S. Muszka, AGH University of Krakow
Danuta Szeliga, AGH University of Science and Technology
Scope Recently observed rapid development of modern metallic materials (e.g. advanced high strength steels for automotive industry, Ti and Ni based alloys for aerospace and nuclear applications, or multilayered, ultrafine-grained and nanostructured materials) is a stimulating factor for development of sophisticated numerical techniques supporting and extending experimental research. These modern materials are characterized by elevated properties which are the results of complex, often multiphase microstructures. Therefore, taking into account microstructure morphology, in an explicit manner, during numerical modelling is particularly important.

The main goal of the symposium is focused on application and development of the new multi scale numerical concepts based on virtual microstructure models in structural mechanics to include physics based and heuristic modeling of material response, especially microstructure driven deformation and behavior mechanisms as well as microstructure impact on novel, complex structures of metallic materials.

Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Development of the Coupled Cellular Automata/Finite Difference Model of Phase Transformation during Continuous Cooling
Modeling Mechanical Response of Microtextured Regions in Hexagonal Metals
Multiscale Approach to Model Deformation Behavior of Multilayered Sheets Produced by Explosive Cladding
The Research Thermoplastic Deformation Modes of Dual-phase Special Alloys for Obtaining Rational Intermetallic Structure

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