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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advances in Synthesis and Integration Methods for Enhanced Properties, and Applications in Emerging Nanomaterials
Sponsorship TMS: Nanomaterials Committee
Organizer(s) Chang-Yong Nam, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Jung-Kun Lee, University of Pittsburgh
Zubaer Hossain, University of Delaware
Scope Materials properties originating from reduced physical dimensions and new nanoscale structures & morphologies enable uniquely enhanced functionalities and performances critical for advancing the frontier of innovative technologies such as nanoelectronics, sustainable energy production, advanced environmental technologies, and, more recently, quantum device engineering.

To continue the advancement of these innovations in nanomaterials and realize tangible applications, the development and fundamental understanding of new nanomaterials synthesis and integration methods that can precisely control the resulting materials properties and functional performances remain as one of the most critical and challenging areas that must be addressed in the field.

This symposium will primarily focus on the recent progresses in experimental synthesis and integration methods tailored towards enabling & controlling new structures, properties and performances in emerging nanomaterials, including: Two-dimensional (2D) materials (e.g., transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), graphene), one- and zero-dimensional (1D and 0D) materials (e.g., semiconducting nanowires, quantum dots), organic-inorganic hybrid materials (e.g., hybrid perovskites, metal-organic framework (MOF), hybrid nanocomposite), and quantum materials (e.g., topological insulators, Dirac materials etc.).

In association with new synthesis and integration methods, the symposium will explore related characterization, theoretical interpretation, and application of unique properties of the nanomaterials, including optical, electrical, optoelectronic, mechanical, catalytic, and quantum properties.

Provided below are examples of session topics encompassing the above themes:

Advanced vapor-phase synthesis of low-dimensional nanomaterials (e.g., chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of 2D, 1D, and quantum materials; atomic layer deposition (ALD); 2D materials remote epitaxy)
Emerging hybrid materials synthesis methods (e.g., CVD and ALD of MOFs; vapor-phase & liquid-phase inorganic infiltration in organic materials; new synthetic routes for hybrid perovskites)
Controlling and engineering defects in low-dimensional materials for novel properties (e.g., defect centers in 2D materials for single photon emission and nanomagnetism)
Hierarchical integration of nanomaterials (e.g., controlled stacking of 2D materials for twistrnronics and valleytronics; 2D-0D & 2D-organic hybrids; large-area integration of 1D and 2D devices)
Characterization and discovery of new properties and functionalities in emerging nanomaterials (e.g., electronic, optoelectronic, mechanical, catalytic, and quantum properties & associated applications)
Computational modeling of new fundamental properties of emerging nanomaterials

Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Critical Elastic Interactions that Govern Effective Mechanical Behavior of Defective hBN and Graphene
Development of High-performance Ion Selective Membranes for Redox Flow Batteries
Efficient Neuromorphic Computing Enabled by Spin-Transfer Torque: Devices, Circuits and Systems
Electrochemical 2D Synapses for Neuromorphic Computing Applications
Ideal Graphene Schottky Junctions: The Building Block for Reconfigurable Logic and 3D Monolithic Integration
Impact of Processing Parameters on Metal Oxide Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) Performance and Implications for non-von Neumann Computing Approaches
Influence of Surface Charge on the Photochemical Reactivity of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, and TiO2/BaTiO3 Heterostructured Catalysts
Integration of Synthesis and Computation to Investigate Two-dimensional Transition Metal Chalcogenides: Strain, Defect, and Moiré Engineering
Introduction to Research Capabilities at Center for Functional Nanomaterials, a DOE National User Facility
Investigating the Micro-structure and Transport Mechanisms in Graphene Copper Composites
Iontronic Devices for Energy Efficient Electronics and Neuromorphic Computing
Laser Processing of Soft Magnetic Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Alloys
Low-reflectivity Carbon Nanotube Coatings for Space Applications
Mixed-Dimensional Hetero-structures for Advanced Logic and Memory Devices
Multi-functional Surfaces
Nanoscale Oxide Layers for Halide Perovskite Solar Cells
Polymer Additives for Stable Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells
Van der Waals and Remote Epitaxy for Quantum Materials Research

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