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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Substrate Protection for Corrosion Prevention
Organizer(s) Mary Lyn Lim, PPG Industries
Cortney Crane Chalifoux, Exponent
Qixin Zhou, The University of Akron
Kylee Fazende, NSWC Carderock Division
Raul B. Rebak, GE Global Research
Tushar M. Borkar, Cleveland State University
Scope Coatings and inhibitors are of the utmost importance to corrosion protection of assets, across a wide spectrum of industries and a variety of operating environments. Recent industrial trends toward light weight components, introduction of advanced materials, and utilization of multicomponent substrate systems have brought coatings technology to the forefront. The use of inhibitors is crucial for controlling corrosion in many diverse fields such as transportation, pickling and water treatment. This symposium deals with the current state-of-the-art in coatings and inhibitors from the perspective of surface treatments, application techniques, as well as with the fundamental understanding of protection and materials failure mechanisms. Representative topics include, but are not limited to: novel coating and inhibitor development, organic and inorganic coatings, organic-inorganic hybrid coatings, chemical conversion pretreatment, and sacrificial galvanic protection. Also of interest are smart coatings, coatings with self-healing and enhanced adhesive properties, mechanistic understanding and predictive models of corrosion mitigation, as well as advanced characterization, and new approaches for accelerated corrosion testing.
Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Advanced Composite Coating for Carbon Steel Corrosion Prevention
Characterizations of Corrosion Tested CFRC-AZ31B Joint by Friction Self-pierce Riveting Process
Corrosion Resistant Coatings on 6061 Aluminum
Effect of Surface Coating and PTFE Tape Insulation on Galvanic Corrosion of AZ31B Bolt-joined with CFRP
Enhancing Corrosion Resistance of Steel Substrates with Reduced Graphene Oxide Reinforced Polymer Composite Coatings
The Effect of Mg added Al-Si Coating on the Corrosion of Hot-stamped Boron Steels

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