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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Substrate Protection for Corrosion Prevention
Presentation Title Corrosion Resistant Coatings on 6061 Aluminum
Author(s) Jing Xu, Rajeswaran Radhakrishnan, Cory F Crowley, Timothy Hall, Jennings Taylor, Maria Inman, Stephen Snyder
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Rajeswaran Radhakrishnan
Abstract Scope Faraday will describe our recent work on the development of corrosion resistant coatings directly applied to aluminum (6061) after one-step electrochemical surface pretreatment process. Conventional aluminum coating application processes commonly require extensive surface pretreatment processes prior to deposition, owing to aluminum’s reactive nature and affinity for oxygen. In this study we will discuss a simple pretreatment process that enables direct deposition onto Al alloys and can dramatically reduce the cost and challenges associated with the surface preparation of Al. Furthermore, we will discuss the corrosion performance of the Ni, NiP, and ZnNi coatings applied directly to 6061 Al surfaces.


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Corrosion Resistant Coatings on 6061 Aluminum
Effect of Surface Coating and PTFE Tape Insulation on Galvanic Corrosion of AZ31B Bolt-joined with CFRP
Enhancing Corrosion Resistance of Steel Substrates with Reduced Graphene Oxide Reinforced Polymer Composite Coatings
The Effect of Mg added Al-Si Coating on the Corrosion of Hot-stamped Boron Steels

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