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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Naval/Maritime Applications of Additively Manufactured Parts: Design and Experimental Approaches
Organizer(s) Cindy Waters, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Div
Caroline Vail, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock
Marc Zupan, UMBC -University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Scope Additive Manufacturing has emerged from research laboratories and is being implemented in a variety of applications. Collaborations across the AM design space are growing. AM is expanding its portfolio to more industries and technologies including naval and maritime applications. Naval interest include instances where the US Navy and Marine Corps have installed 3D printers shipboard, flown flight critical pars and are active in other research areas to determine the effectiveness and quality of parts generated afloat and for varying worldwide applications. Maritime interest is demonstrated by the 2018 Memorandum of understanding signed and created by Singapore’s Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) to establish the world’s first on-site additive manufacturing production facility for port applications. AM permits a greater design space however the morphological features presented by AM (i.e, porosity, grain morphology variability, cellular substructures, surface roughness, etc.) require additional principles of study and methods for evaluation. In this session, we invite presentations/papers pertaining to experimental/modeling studies focused on leveraging the benefits of AM for applications in naval or maritime environments. The topics to be covered in this session may include: 1) development of new design methodologies, 2) hierarchical design of microstructure (cellular features, phases, grain sizes, shapes and texture); 3) mesostructural design; 4) multi-material design and manufacturing as they relate to naval/maritime applications.
Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Additive Friction Stir Deposition for Naval/Maritime Applications
Additive Manufacturing of a Lifeboat Hook System with a Functionally Dynamic Mechanism
Direct Tension and Fatigue Characterization of AM Ti-6Al-4V Defects: A Microsample Approach
Introductory Comments: Naval/Maritime Applications of Additively Manufactured Parts: Design and Experimental Approaches
Repeatability and Performance Prediction of Additively Manufactured 17-4 Stainless Steel

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