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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Coating and Thin Film Materials for Energy, Aerospace, Environment and Biological Applications
Sponsorship TMS Surface Engineering Committee
TMS Thin Films and Interfaces Committee
Organizer(s) Jing Zhang, Purdue University in Indianapolis
Yeon-Gil Jung, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology
Albert Feuerstein, Praxair Surface Technologies, Inc. (retired)
Raymond Sinatra, Rolls-Royce Corporation (retired)
Li Li, Rolls-Royce Corporation
Scope This symposium explores the recent development of advanced thermal spray coating and thin film materials and processes for energy, aerospace, environment, and biological applications, including metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. It will cover the fundamental mechanisms as well as processing and applications of the advanced thermal spray coating and thin film materials. In particular, the following topics, but not limited to, are of interest:

1. Novel coating and thin film materials and fabrication techniques, e.g., nanostructured coatings, functionally graded coatings, and 3D printed thin films and coatings

2. Coating materials for energy, aerospace, environment, and energy conversion, e.g., thermal barrier coating, environmental barrier coating, coating for solar cell, thin film materials for battery, bio-inspired coating, and self-healing coating

3. Surfaces and coatings for orthopedic, dental, and other biological and biomedical applications

4. Modeling and simulation of coating materials and fabrication processes to understand the process-structure-property relationship

Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Advanced Coatings for Passive Mitigation of Spacecraft Charging
Aerosol Cold Spray and Sintering of Hydroxyapatite Coatings
Forming Al Tab to Cu Busbar Joints Using Low Pressure Cold Spray Process
Germanium Monochalcogenide Nanosheets as Anode in Metal-ion Batteries
Infiltration Behavior of Calcium Magnesium Alumina-Silicate (CMAS) in Thermal Barrier Materials of YSZ, LZ, and LZ–YSZ Composite
Modeling Ceramic Coating Removal Process Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of AlCoCrFe High Entropy Alloy Coatings on Aluminum Substrate
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Swing Effect in Silica Reinforced Porous Anodized Aluminum Coatings
Rapid, Selective, Ambient Growth and Optimization of Copper Benzene-1,3,5-Tricarboxylate (Cu−BTC) Metal−organic Framework Thin Films on a Conductive Metal Oxide for Sensing Applications
Synthesis of Magnesium Oxide based Insulation Coating Powder by Co-precipitation

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