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About this Symposium
Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Light Metal and Composites Technology
Sponsorship TMS: Materials Characterization Committee
Organizer(s) Ramasis Goswami, Naval Research Laboratory
Xiaoming Wang, Purdue University
Alex E. Moser, Naval Research Laboratory
Alan A. Luo, Ohio State University
Manoj Kumar Kolel-Veetil, Naval Research Laboratory
Kumar Sadayappan, CanmetMATERIALS
Tanjore V. Jayaraman, United States Air Force Academy
Scope This symposium provides an opportunity of sharing recent advances in the science and technologies of light metals and composites.
These materials are used in applications demanding structural integrity and performance in extreme environments, and in armor applications as well.
The suite of materials includes Al, Mg, Ti alloys, high entropy alloys and composites. The symposium will address the underlying mechanisms, the fine scale microstructure, mechanical behavior and modeling. Focus will also be on the improvements in the mechanical properties of these materials at relatively high temperatures and at extreme environments.
This annual conference attracts materials scientists and engineers from all over the world, and provides a venue for faster technology dissemination.
Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

A Novel Equiatomic and Non-equiatomic Low-density High Entropy Alloys and Composites
Developments in Titanium Alloys for Aero-engine Applications
Effect of Cu Content on Tensile and Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Cast Al-Cu-Mn-Zr Alloys
Functional Relationships between Treatment Time, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrasonically Cast Metal Matrix Nanocomposites
Introductory Comments: Light Metals and Composite Technology
Joining of Light Metals to Polymer Composites by Overcasting Technique
Metastable f.c.c. Phase and Its Influence on the Soft-magnetic Properties of FeCoNiAlxSix (0.2 < x < 0.5) Alloys
Microstructure and Interfaces of Nanocomposites Manufactured in Solid State
Microstructure, Interfaces, and Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Matrix Composites
Nanostructured Composites via Environmentally Controlled Pressure Assisted Sintering
Poly(Carborane-siloxane-(aryl)Acetylene)s: A Versatile Inorganic-Organic Polymer Platform for Advanced Materials Applications
Revisiting Phase Field Simulations of Theta’ Variant Selection during Stress Aging of Al-Cu Alloys

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