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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Processing and Performance of Materials Using Microwaves, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Ultrasound, Lasers, and Mechanical Work – Rustum Roy Symposium
Sponsorship ACerS Basic Science Division
Organizer(s) Morsi Mohamed Mahmoud, Abdullah Al Salem University (AASU)
Dinesh Agrawal, Pennsylvania State University
Guido Link, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Motoyasu Sato, Chubu University
Rishi Raj, University of Colorado
Scope This symposium focuses on the discovery of novel processing methods, manufacturing, and performance of materials systems under the influence of microwaves, electric and magnetic fields (ac or dc), laser, ultrasound and mechanical energy. The symposium explores the fundamental science and mechanisms underlying these processing methods. Phenomena where electric and magnetic driving forces are coupled with mechanical and chemical effects will be emphasized especially at the system level. Sessions at the symposium will cover but not limited to the following topics: (i) Microwave Materials Processing, (ii) Electric Field Assisted Sintering, (iii) Phenomena in Li+ Batteries, (iv) Biological Phenomena in Electric and Magnetic fields, and (v) Microstructure Evolution and Phase Transformations under the influence of Electric and/or Magnetic fields.
Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Deforming Polycrystalline Ceramics by Dislocation Based Plastic Deformation
Engineering Far-from-Equilibrium Materials Using Electromagnetic Fields
Ionic and Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductor Oxides for Microwave Active Catalysis
Laser Ablation & Passivation of Aluminum Alloys
Laser Processing Cokes and Chars
Microwave-assisted Hydrothermal Carbonization of Switchgrass and Low Rank Coals for Solid Fuel Production
Recent Developments In Microwave-metal Discharge Based Machining Process and Associated Challenges
Study of Mechanical Properties of Microwave Processed Biodegradable Metal Composites
The Effect of Microwave Sintering on Additively Manufactured Ceramics
The Use of Alternate Electromagnetic Fields to Control Biofilm

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