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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Processing and Performance of Materials Using Microwaves, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Ultrasound, Lasers, and Mechanical Work – Rustum Roy Symposium
Presentation Title Ionic and Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductor Oxides for Microwave Active Catalysis
Author(s) Christina Wildfire, Anthony Carter, Edward M Sabolsky, Dushyant Shekhawat, Daniel Haynes
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Christina Wildfire
Abstract Scope Microwave (MW)-enhanced catalysis is a promising research area that is quickly gaining interest for a wide-range of chemical reactions. Most traditional heterogeneous catalysts are based on metal oxides supported with dispersed metallic particles which do not always heat and respond to the electromagnetic field used in the microwave reactors. Therefore, catalyst design must be optimized to maximize the field interaction with the catalyst. A series of materials typically used for fuel cells like doped-ceria and -zirconia, and perovskite lanthanum with and without metallic particles were investigated for their catalytic properties for methane conversion under traditional thermal and MW methods. Generally the materials were not active for methane conversion under traditional methods, at the reaction conditions studied, while the microwave reactor usually provided a complete conversion for some of the material used. Under microwave conditions, the selectivity of methane conversion varied, and the characterization of these catalyst will be discussed.


Deforming Polycrystalline Ceramics by Dislocation Based Plastic Deformation
Engineering Far-from-Equilibrium Materials Using Electromagnetic Fields
Ionic and Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductor Oxides for Microwave Active Catalysis
Laser Ablation & Passivation of Aluminum Alloys
Laser Processing Cokes and Chars
Microwave-assisted Hydrothermal Carbonization of Switchgrass and Low Rank Coals for Solid Fuel Production
Recent Developments In Microwave-metal Discharge Based Machining Process and Associated Challenges
Study of Mechanical Properties of Microwave Processed Biodegradable Metal Composites
The Effect of Microwave Sintering on Additively Manufactured Ceramics
The Use of Alternate Electromagnetic Fields to Control Biofilm

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