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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Qualification and Certification
Sponsorship TMS Additive Manufacturing Committee
TMS: Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee
TMS: Nanomaterials Committee
Organizer(s) Faramarz Zarandi, RTX Corporation
Jacob D. Hochhalter, University of Utah
Douglas N. Wells, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Richard W. Russell, The Barnes Global Advisors
Mohsen Seifi, ASTM International/Case Western Reserve University
Eric Allen Ott, GE Additive
Mark D. Benedict, Air Force Research Laboratory
Craig A. Brice, Colorado School of Mines
J Hector Sandoval, Lockheed Martin
Scope Additive manufacturing (AM) provides distinct benefits over conventional manufacturing processes and is increasingly embraced in new products. However, the promotion of AM is challenged by the quality of AM parts and limited available acceptance standards in terms of material properties, dimensional accuracy, and surface perfections. Similar to conventional materials, the understanding of process – microstructure – performance relationship is a key in successful implementation of AM parts. Over the past decade, there has been a considerable efforts in understanding how AM processes impact the defects in AM parts of simple geometries. In contrast, the evolution of performance-driven attributes in AM parts with more complex shapes is much less studied. Moreover, it is now recognized that the thermal processes perfected for conventional materials over several decades may not result in similar optimized properties in their AM counterparts and, hence, new post-build thermal processes are needed for AM parts. In order to address these gaps, both experimental and computational techniques should be utilized to move AM further from just producing topologically optimized parts toward making qualified parts with desired performance.

While we are improving our understanding of AM processes and learning how to successfully build complex shapes, we also need to enhance our efforts in identifying challenges in qualifying AM parts and defining approaches to overcome them. Process qualification involves the establishment of material and process specifications in support of process control and acquisition of data to determine statistically-substantiated mechanical properties and design values. Certification of components produced by qualified processes involves demonstration of component performance in expected, service-like conditions. The objective of this symposium is to provide a platform for the AM community to exchange ideas and determine how, for instance, feedstock, process parameters, build strategy and layout, shape and topology, build envelop, and post-build processes can impact local and global microstructures and properties. Discussions and presentations of recent attempts at AM qualification and certification, successes, failures, and future expectations are much encouraged. Such insights will lead to more reliable inspection techniques and help better define AM-related standards. Then, the measures for process calibration and process qualification will be more effectively defined. All these will, eventually, result in faster qualification of AM parts.

The symposium scopes include, but are not limited to:

- The path to qualification of AM parts; challenges, gaps, standards

- Process Control

- Feedstock; specifications for AM powders:
- Control of feedstock characteristics influencing AM material quality and build quality

- Evolution of microstructure and properties:
- Effect of build strategy
- Post-build thermal processes for desired part properties
- The case for using as-built microstructures in service, risks and rewards
- The effects of HIP versus homogenization thermal treatments

- Key metallurgical characteristics and properties for process qualification:
- Determining ‘acceptable’ build envelop with regard to part quality and performance
- Schema for mapping metallurgical AM process quality throughout the build volume accounting for thermal history extremes
- Definition of calibration ranges in AM machine with regard to part performance

- Controlling factors that influence the evolution of microstructure, defects and part quality:
- Part geometry, build layout, scan strategies, process parameters
- Similarities and differences between coupon properties and part performance, i.e. from test coupons to part

- Non-destructive inspection techniques for AM parts

Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

A Comprehensive Digital Platform for Additive Manufacturing
A Multi-Sensor Comparative Study for Fatigue Prognosis of Additively Manufactured Metallic Specimens
Connecting Metal Powder Morphological Characteristics with Flowability Properties Using Machine Learning
CT Based Analysis of Generation and Characterization of Parameter- and Process-induced Defects in Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Effect of Sample Geometry and Orientation on Tensile Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Manufactured by Electron Beam Melting
Ensuring Build Quality thru Physics-based Support Design Optimization for Residual Stress
Influence of Printing Parameters within the Binder-powder Interaction
Introductory Comments: Additive Manufacturing: Qualification and Certification
Physics-based Qualification for Laser Powder Bed Fusion AM
Pore Formation in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Inconel 718 through Multiphysics Modeling
Post-build Heat Treatment of Wire-arc Additive Manufactured 410 SS for Hardness Tuning
Recyclability of Ti-6Al-4V Powders Used in Additive Manufacturing
Reducing Anisotropic Deformation of LPBF Inconel 718 for Applications in Extreme Conditions
Reducing Heat Buildup and Regularizing Melt Pool Dimensions in Laser Powder Bed Fusion through a “Powder Moat” Scan Strategy
Similarity Analysis and Clustering of Thermal History to Understand Process-structure Relationships
Simulation of the Effect of Texture on Anisotropy in SLM-Produced IN718 Microstructures
The Effects of Powder Particle Size Distribution on the Powder and Part Performance of Laser Powder Bed Fusion 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
Unveiling the Relationships between Powder Bed Conditions and Materials Quality during Selective Laser Melting

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