Scope |
This symposium aims to provide a forum for reporting novel surface engineering methods for titanium/titanium alloys with a focus on topography, mechanical and chemical properties of the treated surfaces: micro and/or nano scale surface texture, hardness, scratch resistance, tribological properties, surface reactivity, adsorption of ions or compounds, corrosion in aggressive aqueous environments.
The symposium covers two broad categories (biomedical and industrial applications) with the ambition to get these two areas to talk to each other concerning common issues, such as surface topography, tribological behavior and surface reactivity.
Biomedical surface treatments would include any surface treatment aimed at improving biocompatibility, bioactivity, proper protein adsorption, proper wettability, biodegradation or durability, biological response (osseointegration, soft tissue adhesion, inflammatory response), antimicrobial properties, surface mechanical behavior, wear/fretting resistance of implants or biomedical devices.
Industrial applications would include aerospace or other applications where topography, tribological or surface reactivity in aqueous environments are an issue. The aim can be micro or nano surface patterning, protection of the surface from severe environments during service (oxidizing, corrosive, erosive agents), enhancement of the material performance (such as tribological properties), control of adsorption (ions, inorganic or organic compounds), extending the component life and increasing the devices efficiency.
Surface treatments include plasma treatments, patterning, coatings, etching, ceramic conversion, surface modifications or functionalization.
This symposium will emphasize surface characterization, non-destructive evaluation, design, processing, modeling, failure prevention and life-cycle assessment.
This symposium will be an opportunity for scientists focused on titanium and titanium alloys to meet, share ideas, compare different solutions and strategies, learn and network in an efficient way through a forum useful for professional development.
This symposium plans publication in the MS&T conference proceedings along with some selected papers in a special issue of "Materials". |