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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Solid State Processing of Metals and Composites
Organizer(s) Ajay Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
Pradeep Menezes, University of Nevada, Reno
Satish V. Kailas, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore
N Venkaiah, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
Venkata Kiran Degala, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
Scope Solid-State Processing is a new path to new materials in their solid state. It typically involves subjecting the component elements to some type of mechanical force—such as stress, shear or strain—to drive a reaction. It also offers a pathway to materials that aren’t typically possible by other methods. It can be done without heat and with relatively low energy inputs, solid-state processing costs less than other methods. In many cases, it’s scalable to industrial/ commercial applications. This symposium will provide an overview of the state of the art in solid state processing technologies utilised for manufacturing various metallic alloys, and composites, and provide a platform for experts from industry and academia to exchange their ideas for further development of this eco-friendly technology.

The development of new solid-state processing techniques, such as friction stir welding and processing (FSW/FSP), friction consolidation, friction welding and ball milling etc, have led to materials development for various applications. Microstructure, and structure-property relations of solid-state processed materials need to be optimized for their promised performance and applications.

This symposium covers the fundamental understanding of solid-state welding and processing as well as their application to current technological challenges. Papers and presentations are invited on new friction based solid-state techniques, such as friction stir welding and processing, and friction consolidation techniques that go beyond traditional processing and their application to grain refinement, casting modification, low temperature deformability, superplasticity, surface alloying/coating and surface/bulk composites etc. The symposium will focus on friction stir welding and processing of materials, microstructure evolution of metallic alloys such as steels, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, immiscible copper alloys, new high entropy alloys; development of ultra-fined grained materials and understanding of enhanced precipitate dissolution, surface processing and casting modification during FSW/FSP. Accordingly, this symposium will appreciate presentations/talks on basic science of solid-state welding and processing, experimental and modelling/simulation approaches. We also encourage talks on challenges in practical applications of friction stir welding and processing, and friction consolidation or other friction-based processes etc. This symposium will be an opportunity for scientists to promote and transfer knowledge to use solid state processing techniques for various industrial applications, share ideas, compare different solutions and strategies, learn and network in an efficient way. Symposium will also include new innovations in process technology, characterization, non-destructive evaluation, modelling, and emerging applications.

Abstracts Due 04/28/2020

7075 Aluminum Graphene Composites Made by Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion
Development of Spare Parts and Components for Aerospace Engineering out of Heavily Deformed Steels
Evaluation of Factors of Cold Plastic Deformation Influence on the Increase of Mechanical Properties of the Shaving Steel for a Milling Cutting Tool
Solid State Joining of Dissimilar Ni-based Superalloys via Field Assisted Sintering Technology for Turbine Applications
Surface Modification of Supersonic Particle Deposited 316L Stainless Steel through Friction-Stir Processing

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