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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Ceramics in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Sponsorship ACerS Energy Materials and Systems
Organizer(s) Cory L. Trivelpiece, Savannah River National Laboratory
Kyle Brinkman, Clemson University
Philip Edmondson, The University of Manchester
Djamel Kaoumi, North Carolina State University
Scope Materials scientists and engineers face unique challenges when working in applications such as nuclear power generation and nuclear waste remediation. The rising global energy demand necessitates the development and understanding of novel materials capable of withstanding extreme environments associated with nuclear power reactors. At the same time, these energy producing technologies, along with legacy defense programs, have produced waste streams that pose environmental, social, and political challenges for the researchers tasked with safely disposing of nuclear waste. The science of glass, ceramic, cementitious, composite, and non-metallic materials plays an integral role in both nuclear power generation and nuclear waste disposal – whether it be in novel ceramic fuels for next generation nuclear reactors or immobilizing volatile radionuclides in intermediate processes and final waste forms. This symposium, sponsored by NETD, solicits abstracts addressing a wide range of topics covering fundamental and applied materials science related to nuclear applications and extreme environments as well as issues in nuclear waste management including (but not limited to):

• Radiation damage and defect evolution
• Novel materials for extreme environments
• Advanced nuclear fuels
• Microstructure/property relationships in irradiated materials
• Modeling of radiation effects
• Novel nuclear waste forms
• Capture and immobilization of volatile radionuclides

Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

A First-principles Database Approach to Predicting Trans-Uranic Waste Forms
Evaluation of the Corrosion of High Purity CVD SiC in Light Water Reactor Environments
First-principles Study on the Trapping and Recombination of Tritium in Lithium Vacancy of the γ-LiAlO2 (100) Surface
Multi-scale Cs Sorbents Easily Transformable into Waste Confinement Matrices
Nb and Ti Alloying Effects on the Phase and Oxidation of U3Si2
Radiolytic Damage and Hydrogen Generation at Carbide – Water Interfaces
Thermophysical Properties of Sintered Yttrium Dihydride

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