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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Functionally Graded Materials, Coatings and Claddings: Toward Microstructure and Property Control
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Powder Materials Committee
TMS: Additive Manufacturing Committee
TMS: High Temperature Alloys Committee
Organizer(s) Aurelien Perron, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Kaila Morgen Bertsch, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Emma M. White, DECHEMA Forschungsinstitut
Iver E. Anderson, Iowa State University Ames Laboratory
Timothy E. Prost, Uniformity Labs
Matthew Dunstan, US Army Research Laboratory
Scope Most industrial applications such as the aerospace, automobile, biomedical and defense areas need materials that must operate in increasingly extreme and complex environments. Usually no single existing alloy can meet all the requirements of a desired system component. Thus, the successful design and processing of a gradual change in composition and microstructure, and therefore properties, over the whole material is gaining considerable attention in materials science and engineering. Graded materials, coatings and claddings allow for unique combinations of properties to enable various harsh environment, functional and structural applications. In practice, functionally graded materials (FGMs) are often susceptible to processing defects linked to prohibitively time-consuming, empirical process development without the ability to predictively determine and/or rapidly screen experimentally viable pathways (composition and process parameters) to optimize their production. Due to these limitations, the actual performance of FGMs, relative to conventional parts, remains to be validated and optimized. This symposium focuses on all aspects of the science and technology, from fundamental science to industrial applications, that will enable control of the microstructure and properties of graded materials coatings and claddings, including: thermodynamic, kinetic, property, and microstructure evolution simulations; rapid processing; in situ characterization; and understanding defect formation.

Many types of gradient systems are of interest, including from one alloy composition to another, from metals to ceramics, and from intermetallics to metals. Advances in coating technologies, new compositions of coatings, and advanced manufacturing techniques are of interest. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

• Fundamental issues and underlying mechanisms in processing FGMs, coatings, and claddings
• Development and demonstration of computational-experimental platforms to produce viable graded components ready for various types of advanced testing
• Novel graded material combinations, coatings, and claddings for targeted applications (i.e., optimized mechanical, functional and corrosion properties)
• Understanding of solidification, phase stability, and phase transformation in FGMs
• Computational prediction of optimal material gradients and properties with minimal processing defects, such as porosity
• Advanced processing methods for FGMs, coatings, and claddings: additive manufacturing, physical vapor deposition, pack cementation, slurry c coating, powder-based laser deposition, cold spray, thermal spray, and friction stir processing
• Novel techniques and characterization methods for rapid FGM, coating, and cladding optimization

Abstracts Due 07/15/2023
Proceedings Plan Planned:

An Investigation on Cryomilling Assisted CNTs, SiC and Y2O3 Reinforced Al-based Metal Matrix Functionally Graded Composite Materials
Calphad-based Path Planning for Multicomponent Systems: Composition and Properties
Co-extrusion and Cladding via Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion
Developing Improved Die Materials for Forming Lightweight Auto Body Sheet
Effect of Isomer Variation and Molecular Weight Dependency of Polyetherimide Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys
Enabling a Compositional Pathway from Titanium to Tantalum Using Directed Energy Deposition
Friction Extrusion of Enhanced Electrically Conductive Aluminum with Graphene Additives
Functionally Graded Joints from Tungsten to Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Fabricated Using Laser-directed Energy Deposition
Galvanic Corrosion Behavior of Functionally Graded Carbon Steel to Stainless Steel Claddings
Gradient Design for Alloy Stacking Fault Energy with Autonomous Path Planning
Minimizing Interfacial Stresses in Additively-graded GRCop-42 to Inconel 625
Solid-Liquid Fabrication Process of Copper and Aluminium Matrix Composites through Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Induction Heating
Thermo-mechanical Performance of Compositionally Graded Refractory Alloys

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