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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Real Time Imaging
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Advanced Characterization, Testing, and Simulation Committee
TMS: Alloy Phases Committee
TMS: Biomaterials Committee
TMS: Thin Films and Interfaces Committee
Organizer(s) Jinichiro Nakano, MatterGreen
David E. Alman, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Il Sohn, Yonsei University
Hiroyuki Shibata, Tohoku University
Antoine Allanore, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Noritaka Saito, Kyushu University
Zuotai Zhang, Southern University of Science and Technology
Bryan Webler, Carnegie Mellon University
Wangzhong Mu, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Pranjal Nautiyal, Oklahoma State University
Jiawei Mi, University of Hull
Scope Real time observations can provide important information needed to understand materials behavior, as these techniques can provide temporal and spatial insights free from artifacts otherwise induced from conventional experimental techniques. Traditional and emerging advanced imaging techniques, which may be optical or non-optical, would allow such observations. Methods may be enhanced with capabilities that enable heating and cooling, controlled atmospheres, and application of stresses; and can be used to generate real time thermodynamic and kinetic data needed to study a variety of materials and processes. This symposium encompasses a broad range of materials science topics enabling cross-cutting opportunities for multiple disciplines (biomaterials, energy materials, functional materials, structural materials, etc.) while topics will be separately categorized in the technical program. Presentations are solicited on the application of these methods to materials science and industrial processes, as well as on development of such techniques.

Topics include, but not limited to:
• Studies using real time optical (e.g., visible light, white light, laser, IR, and UV) and non-optical (e.g., scanning probe, electron, and ultrasound) imaging techniques
• Researches using in-situ, in-operando, in-vitro, and in-vivo observation imaging techniques, such as thermal imaging furnace and other real time imaging methods
• Confocal techniques, including fluorescence and reflection types, which may be equipped with capabilities such as heating/cooling chambers, gas chambers, mechanical testing, Raman spectroscope, mass spectrometry, and FTIR
• Microscopic or telescopic imaging methods include hot thermocouple, resistance heating, and sessile drop techniques used for high temperature phenomena.
• Thermodynamic and kinetic data from these techniques, useful for phase diagram constructions, oxidation/corrosion modeling, phase formation kinetics studies, etc.
• Work using high speed and slow speed cameras
• Materials used in manufacturing real time imaging devices
• Novel technologies and methodologies for emerging imaging devices
A joint session with the following symposium may take place:
• The Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling symposium
Respective papers may participate in part of the dedicated joint session.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Accelerating Plasma and Radiation Surface Science Using Transient Grating Spectroscopy
Beam Control in LPBF and High-Speed Visualization
Dissolution of Calcium Aluminate Inclusions in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 Steelmaking Slags: An In-Situ and Modelling Study
Exploring the Applications of Contact-Mode High-Speed AFM
Improving Sub-Microsecond X-Ray Radiography at CHESS
In-Situ Observation of Magnetite Dissolution into Cu2S-FeS Matte with Gas Generation
In Situ Observations of the Interfacial Phenomenon and Non-Metallic Inclusion Behaviors in High-Entropy Materials by Second Synthesis
In Situ Synthesis and 3D Visualization of Hierarchically-Assembled ZnS Nanostructures
Microparticl Impact and Ignition in High-Pressure Oxygen
On the Solid State Dendritic Growth of Carbide at Interfaces in a High Temperature Alloy
Operando Study of the Exfoliation Dynamics of 2D Materials by X-Ray Free Electron Laser MHz Imaging and Multiphysics Modelling
Operando X-Ray Imaging of Solute Redistribution in Functionally Graded Materials
Real-Time Imaging and Analysis of Electroconvection Using Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy and Cloud Algorithms
Real-Time Optical Visualization of Battery Reactions and Processes
Real-Time XFEL MHz X-ray Microscopy Study of the Cavitation Dynamics of Highly Viscous Fluids Under Ultrasound
Revealing Weld Bead Dynamics: High-Speed Imaging of Wire Arc DED Process
Study of Cracking Initiation and Evolution Dynamics with In-Situ X-ray Imaging and Automated Machine Learning
Time-Resolve X-ray Imaging of Freeze-Thaw Damage in AA7075
Ultra-High Strain Rate Impact Response of Polyethylene at Critical Transition Temperatures
Using Lock-in Thermography to Rapidly Screening Thermal Property of Additive Manufacturing Components
Visualizing Localized Electrochemical Corrosion on Metal Surfaces Using Scanning Electrochemical Cell Impedance Microscopy

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