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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Real Time Imaging
Presentation Title Operando X-Ray Imaging of Solute Redistribution in Functionally Graded Materials
Author(s) Steve Gaudez, Zhilang Zhang, Andaç Özsoy, William Hearn, Yunhui Chen, Alexander Rack, Mohamadreza Afrasiabi, Steven Van Petegem
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Steven Van Petegem
Abstract Scope Functionally graded materials (FGMs) provide improved properties for industrial uses through their gradual changes in composition or structure. Additive manufacturing (AM) is an effective method for creating FGMs, but it faces difficulties due to inadequate bonding and mixing between materials, which lead to defects and reduced properties. To address this challenge, we explore solute redistribution during the laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) process using Cu alloy powder on an Al base plate. Real-time imaging at 80 kHz reveals complex fluid dynamics in the melt pool of Cu and Al. Post-mortem quantitative tomography analysis determines the local Cu composition, offering insights into mixing behavior. The experimental findings are supported by computer simulations to achieve a comprehensive understanding of FGM development via AM.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Solidification, Characterization


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Beam Control in LPBF and High-Speed Visualization
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Exploring the Applications of Contact-Mode High-Speed AFM
In-Situ Observation of Magnetite Dissolution into Cu2S-FeS Matte with Gas Generation
In Situ Observations of the Interfacial Phenomenon and Non-Metallic Inclusion Behaviors in High-Entropy Materials by Second Synthesis
In Situ Synthesis and 3D Visualization of Hierarchically-Assembled ZnS Nanostructures
Microparticl Impact and Ignition in High-Pressure Oxygen
On the Solid State Dendritic Growth of Carbide at Interfaces in a High Temperature Alloy
Operando Study of the Exfoliation Dynamics of 2D Materials by X-Ray Free Electron Laser MHz Imaging and Multiphysics Modelling
Operando X-Ray Imaging of Solute Redistribution in Functionally Graded Materials
Real-Time Imaging and Analysis of Electroconvection Using Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy and Cloud Algorithms
Real-Time Optical Visualization of Battery Reactions and Processes
Revealing Weld Bead Dynamics: High-Speed Imaging of Wire Arc DED Process
Study of Cracking Initiation and Evolution Dynamics with In-Situ X-Ray Imaging and Automated Machine Learning
Time-Resolve X-ray Imaging of Freeze-Thaw Damage in AA7075
Ultra-High Strain Rate Impact Response of Polyethylene at Critical Transition Temperatures
Using Lock-in Thermography to Rapidly Screening Thermal Property of Additive Manufacturing Components
Visualizing Localized Electrochemical Corrosion on Metal Surfaces Using Scanning Electrochemical Cell Impedance Microscopy

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