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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Designing Complex Microstructures through Additive Manufacturing
Presentation Title New Insights Into the Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of 17-4PH SS Developed During Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Author(s) Mahsa Amiri, Zahra Zanjani Foumani, Penghui Cao, Ramin Bostanabad, Lorenzo Valdevit
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Mahsa Amiri
Abstract Scope Microstructural evolution of 17-4PH SS during LPBF under varying processing conditions, each leading to unique mechanical properties is investigated. The microstructure of LPBFed17-4PH SS samples consists of martensitic structures with variations in ferrite and retained austenite. Thorough microstructural and chemical analysis via EBSD, high-resolution TEM and XRF, combined with computational thermal FEA are utilized to understand the effect of the in-situ heating and cooling cycles caused by the variations in processing parameters. In-situ thermal cycles, albeit happening in short time intervals, and the resulting chemical composition changes due to the evaporation of elements, define the final material’s microstructure, and therefore mechanical performance of LPBFed 17-4PH SS. Large lath martensitic structure, with 100-200 nm size precipitates results in extremely high strength and low ductility. Optimal tensile performance is associated with the formation of fine martensite laths and fine grains of ferrite, with a higher content of nanosized precipitates.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Characterization, Mechanical Properties


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Enabling Microstructure Manipulation in Laser Powder Blown Directed Energy Deposition Through Multi-mode Laser Beam Shaping
Engineering Gradient Microstructure via Laser-Directed Energy Deposition for Superior Dynamic Mechanical Properties
Exceptional Strength and Ductility in Heterogeneous Multi-Gradient TiAl Alloys Through Additive Manufacturing
Formation of a Novel Nano-Lamellar Microstructure in Peritectic Alloys via Laser Surface Remelting
From Complex Geometries to Complex Microstructures: New Opportunities for Materials Design
G-100: Cell Boundary Engineering of Ferrous Medium-Entropy Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
G-101: Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Alloys With Non-Equilibrium Microstructures Formed During Hydrogel Infusion-Based Additive Manufacturing (HIAM)
G-102: Novel Spot Scan Strategy for Enhanced Microstructural Control in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V
G-103: Understanding the Effect Build Orientation and Alloying Strategy in Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Laser Metal Deposited Duplex Stainless Steel
G-104: A Synchrotron Imaging Investigation of the Application of Ultrasound on Directed Energy Deposition
G-105: Additive Manufacturing Based Design Approach For Biomedical Implant Applications
G-106: Effect of Laser Melt Schedule on the Microstructure of Additively Manufactured IN718 Alloy
G-107: Enhancing Alloy Development for Additive Manufacturing Through Combinatorial High-Throughput Experimentation
G-108: Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Bio-Inspired, 3D-Printed Composites via Topological Interlocking
G-109: Invar-Ag Microcomposites Formed by Ag Dendritic/Cellular Infiltration of Pre-Cast or Pre-Additively Manufactured Invar-Cu
G-110: Investigating Microstructural Evolution and Internal Stress Development in Additively Manufactured Metals Using Phase Field Modeling
G-111: Laser Powder Bed Fusion of In718/GRCop-42 Bimetallic Structures: Effect of Deposition Order and Process Parameters
G-112: Microstructural Control in Directed Energy Deposition: In-Situ Layer Thickness Control and Analytical Modeling With 316L Stainless Steel
G-113: Processing-Microstructure Relationships in Ferrous Alloys via Mixed Powder Laser Powder Bed Fusion
G-114: Tailoring the Microstructure of AA6061 Using Pulsed Laser in Powder Bed Fusion
G-115: The Effect of Scan Strategies on 316 Grade Stainless Steel Fabricated Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Influence of Phase Constitution on the Corrosion Behavior of Al-Added Steels Produced by Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion Processes
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Microstructural Control of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V via In-Situ Laser Annealing
Microstructural Engineering of Additively Manufactured Metals
Microstructure and Heterogeneous Deformation of Functionally Integrated Materials Fabricated by Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing
Microstructure Evolution and Kinetics in Post Heat-Treatment of 316H Stainless Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
New Insights Into the Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of 17-4PH SS Developed During Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Opportunities for Grain Boundary Engineering via Laser Powder Bed Fusion of 316L Stainless Steel
Parameter Selection and Micro/Meso-Material Response: Understanding the Cause-Effect Relationship
Pathways to Grain Boundary Engineering in Additive Manufactured Alloys
Powder-Size Driven Facile Microstructure Control for Enhanced Mechanical Performance of 3D-Printed Stainless Steel
Printing Architectured Materials Through Spatial Control of Mesostructure in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)
Processing and Microstructure: Localized Control of an Al-Ce-Cu-Zr Alloy
Remelting-Informed Grain Engineering in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Silicon Mediated Twin Formation in Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel
Site-Specific Microstructural Control of High Manganese Steel Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Site Specific Control of Microstructure in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion via Power-Field Optimization
Some Design Issues on Heterostructures Through Additive Manufacturing
Tailoring Local Thermal Environment for Site-Specific Microstructural Control in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Towards Tailored Microstructure Design in Drop-on-Demand Molten Metal Jetting
Understanding Chemical Homogeneity and Elemental Mixing in Al-Zn Multi-Material Systems Through Process Parameter Control of Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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