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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Phase Stability, Phase Transformations, and Reactive Phase Formation in Electronic Materials XXII
Presentation Title Thermal Stability of Highly (111)-oriented Nanotwinned Ag Thin Film during Annealing Process
Author(s) Wei-Cheng Chang, Leh-Ping Chang, Fan-Yi Ouyang
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Wei-Cheng Chang
Abstract Scope With the development of semiconductor industry, three-dimensional integrated circuit (3D IC) is a new way to advance Moore’s law. Nanotwinned structure has been introduced in 3D IC to enable low temperature bonding; however, the stability of nanotwinned structure at high temperature is important for reliability of electronic devices. In this work, we investigate the thermal stability of nanotwinned Ag thin films at different temperatures. The results show that some nanotwinned Ag thin films are stable at 450℃, but some samples start to abnormal grain growth from (111) columnar grain to (200) giant grain without nanotwin structure at 250℃. With the help of synchrotron x-ray nanodiffraction, we found that stress and strain in local area would significantly impact the texture transformation of nanotwinned Ag thin films. The mechanism of texture transformation would be discussed in details.
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Keywords Electronic Materials, Thin Films and Interfaces, Phase Transformations


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