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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Solidification in External Fields
Presentation Title Analogue Study of Nanoparticles' Deagglomeration in Lightweight Alloys Melt
Author(s) Zhuocheng Xu, Catherine Tonry, Qianqian Li, Andrew Kao, Christopher Beckwith , Koulis Pericleous, Milo Shaffer
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Qianqian Li
Abstract Scope Ultrasonic treatment is an effective method for dispersing nanoparticles during the manufacturing of light-weight metal matrix nanocomposite. However, the exact deagglomeration mechanisms during the treatment were difficult to observe owning to opaque metal melt and containers. Here, an analogue experiment was carried out in solution with different surface tension to study the ultrasonication induced deagglomeration mechanisms and the influence of ultrasonication parameters and surface tension of the melt. Particle image velocimetry software was applied to convert the captured images into average streaming speeds distribution. These data allowed direct comparison with modelling results. For images captured at higher frame rates and magnification, different patterns of deagglomeration were identified, and categorized based on different stages of cavitation zone development and for regions inside or outside the cavitation zone. The results obtained and discussed in this paper can be also relevant to a wide range of carbonaceous and other high aspect ratio nanomaterials.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nanotechnology, Magnesium, Solidification


Analogue Study of Nanoparticles' Deagglomeration in Lightweight Alloys Melt
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