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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Biological Materials Science
Presentation Title Understanding Heterogeneity in Bone Adaptation Following Exercise
Author(s) Mariana E. Kersh, Sony Manandhar, Hyunggwi Song, John Polk
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Mariana E. Kersh
Abstract Scope While exercise is accepted as a means for improving bone strength, the relationship between strain-states and degree of bone adaptation has not been well quantified. We evaluated femoral bone in young sheep using 2 modes of exercise: 60 days of flat vs. inclined walking. Bone volume fraction (BV/TV) increased in tensile zones while density decreased did not change. The largest increases in density occurred in regions of compression within the inclined exercise group; with negligible increases in BV/TV. These results suggest adaptation to compression occurs via changes in material composition while adaptation to tension results in increased bone area. Our analyses of trabecular bone near the joint surface, which is primarily in compression, support this hypothesis: density increased by 5% following exercise but there was no change in thickness. However, thickness increased in the middle condylar zone which may have trabeculae that experience both tensile and compressive loads.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Mechanical Properties, Characterization


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Understanding Heterogeneity in Bone Adaptation Following Exercise
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