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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Titanium-based Materials: Processing, Microstructure and Material Properties
Presentation Title Development of Clean Hot Isostatic Pressing for AM Ti64
Author(s) Chad M. Beamer
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Chad M. Beamer
Abstract Scope HIP has often been coupled with oxidation of surfaces due to high oxygen partial pressure at the HIP pressure. Oxygen originating from different sources which must be controlled to avoid surface oxidation and various forms of contamination. This has led to the need to wrap components with different types of metal foils gettering the contaminants before these can react with the part surfaces. The need for getters of course consumes resources placing a demand to develop a viable solution. Quintus Technologies has developed a new toolbox under the High-Pressure Heat Treatment umbrella called Quintus PurusŪ, a combination of best practices in way of working with the HIP system, new equipment capabilities, and fit for purpose oxygen getter cassettes. This concept promises the opportunity to reduce oxygen species in the HIP process by over 95%. The result is a path for significantly less part surface oxidation and contamination.


A-11: In-situ Detection and Ex-situ Characterization of Porosity in Laser Powder-bed Fusion (LPBF)
A-12: Surface Color Relation to Alpha Case Formation in Ti-6Al-4V
Comparing Fatigue Behavior of L-PBF Samples of Nb-48%Ti Produced with Two Different Types of Powder
Correlating Laser Based Powder Bed Processing Conditions to the Fatigue Behavior of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V with As-Built Surfaces
Development of Clean Hot Isostatic Pressing for AM Ti64
In-situ Synchrotron Diffraction Study of Tensile Deformation of Bimodal Microstructure in L-PBF Processed Ti-6Al-4V
Measurement of Residual Stresses with High Resolution EBSD in Additively Built Commercially Pure Titanium
Microstructure Evolution Effects from Variable Preheat Temperature in Laser Powder-bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V
Microstructure Mechanical Property Relationship for Post Heat-treated Electron Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
Process-Microstructure-property Relationships in AM Ti-6Al-4V
Rapid Assessment of the Fatigue Resistance of Electron Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V Using a Multi-Step Test (MST)
Structural Developments and Nano-mechanical Properties of 3d Printed Zirconia Reinforced TI6AL4V
Studying Nanoscale Ti5Si3 Quasi-continuous Network in the Selective Laser Melted Titanium Matrix Nanocomposites
Tensile and Fatigue Behavior of an Additively Manufactured Near-α titanium Alloy
Understanding the Microstructure and Deformation Behavior in the Selective Laser Melted Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr Alloy
Variations Across Length Scales in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Parts: Challenges to Repeatability and Reproducibility

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