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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Curricular Innovations and Continuous Improvement of Academic Programs (and Satisfying ABET along the Way): The Elizabeth Judson Memorial Symposium
Sponsorship TMS: Education Committee
TMS: Accreditation Committee
Organizer(s) Alison Polasik, Campbell University
Jeffrey W. Fergus, Auburn University
Scope The goals of this symposium are to provide opportunities for programs to share innovative approaches in curricular development and effective pedagogical approaches in the broad materials science and engineering field covering all classes of materials. Talks related to new courses or curriculum, accreditation activities, student success, and graduate education are being solicited. Of particular interest are the following:

--advancements related to teaching computational materials science and engineering
--activities related to diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion
--The continued effects of COVID on students and faculty

The symposium will explore how these approaches lead to enhanced student outcomes and continuous improvement of the programs. Abstracts related to course changes made to improve online learning are also encouraged. The symposium will also highlight how these advances can be used to satisfy EAC/ABET criteria. Discussions on current EAC/ABET criteria (and changes) and preparation for reaccreditation visits will be included in the symposium.

Abstracts Due 05/08/2023

ABET: Updates and Changes
Improving Motivation and Learning of Computational Modeling in Undergraduate MSE Students
Inclusive Teaching: Team Based Approach to Driving Inclusion as a Route to Mutual Respect for Team Members
Innovation in the Undergraduate Curriculum: Advanced Instrumentation in Research Courses
New Course Design: “Teaching Materials Science & Engineering”
Reflective Learning for Engineering Students
Supporting Students through Seminars on Success Strategies
Undergraduate Research in Glass and Materials Science: An NSF Conference Grant
Using Jupyter Tools to Design Accessible, Scalable, and Interactive Learning Experiences in Materials Science and Engineering

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