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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium History of Materials Science and Engineering
Sponsorship AIST Metallurgy — Processing, Products & Applications Technology Committee
TMS Phase Transformations Committee
TMS Shaping and Forming Committee
TMS: Steels Committee
Organizer(s) Robert E. Hackenberg, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ian Zuazo, ArcelorMittal Global R&D - Industeel
Olivier Hardouin Duparc, Cnrs - Polytechnique
Kester D. Clarke, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Goro Miyamoto, Tohoku University
Scope This symposium focuses the history of materials science and engineering, particularly in the 20th century when the field evolved out of chemistry, physics, and engineering advances (recounted for example in R.W. Cahn: The Coming of Materials Science, Pergamon, 2001). The story of just how this paradigmatic shift in thinking and approach took place as MSE coalesced into a recognizable discipline is of special interest. Also of interest are the more specific tales of the discoveries and evolution of materials structure, properties, processing, performance – and their later working out to deeper insight and technological application. Experiment, modeling, and theory are all of interest, as are all material classes. Of similar relevance is the development of the institutions of materials science such as journals, professional societies, academic departments, and stakeholders in government, industry, and civil society. Those who participated in or who have some connection with these events are especially encouraged to present.
Abstracts Due 05/08/2023

200 Years of Recrystallization Studies
A Brief History of Texture and Anisotropy
A Historical Overview of the Development of Grain Coarsening Theory
A Perspective on the Uses of Ceramics in Nuclear Reactors LA-UR-23-23416
At the Beginning: Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern
Corrosion Science Over the Past Century
Experiments of a German Engineer Starting a Blast Furnace in Brazil, in 1818
Floris Osmond and the Discovery of Steel Microstructures
Historical Aspects of Polycrystal Plasticity
History of Extra Super Duralumin Development and Its Spirit Inherited by UACJ
History of Steel Research in Institute for Materials Research ("KINKEN") of Tohoku University
Hub Aaronson and His Impact on the Field of Solid State Phase Transformations
John W Cahn: Architect of a Discipline
Larry Kaufman, CALPHAD, Digitization of Thermodynamics, and Materials Design
Materials Science vs. Engineering – Paradoxes, Peculiarities, and Tensions in an Ever-Evolving Field
Microalloyed Forging Steels – Evolution from Laboratory to Industrial Application
Pierre Armand Jacquet and Electrolytic Polishing
Raman vs. Born, after Eddington vs. Chandrasekhar: Crystals and Stars
The Burgeoning of Materials Science and Engineering in France 1865 - 1914
The Development of Artificially-made Siliceous Ceramic Bodies (i.e. Stonepaste) in the Middle East between the 11th and 17th Centuries
The Effect of the Kirkendall Effect: The Metastable States and the Energy Barriers to Its Discovery and Acceptance
The History of Field Ion Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography: The First Images of Atoms
The History of IRSID, the French Steel Research Institute
The History of Quantitative Fractography and Fractal Geometry in Ceramics
The Transition from Old Iron to New Steel in China

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