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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2021 TMS Special Sessions
Presentation Title MPMD Special Lecturer: Qualification and Certification Strategies for Additive Manufactured Parts for Manned Spaceflight
Author(s) Richard W. Russell
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Richard W. Russell
Abstract Scope The implementation of additive manufacturing techniques to produce critical spaceflight systems is well underway. These technologies will be a key contributor to developing both launch vehicles and spacecraft that will play a crucial role in delivering the first woman and the next man to the surface of the moon by 2024. To assist in the assurance of flight readiness, NASA has created comprehensive certification-based standards for mature technologies for both metallic and non-metallic materials. The presentation will outline the principles of these certification and qualification strategies which are heavily rooted in foundational controls. These foundation controls include process qualification, statistical process control, the development of materials property and design values and the development of a qualified part process.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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MPMD Special Lecturer: Qualification and Certification Strategies for Additive Manufactured Parts for Manned Spaceflight
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