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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2021 TMS Special Sessions
Presentation Title SMD Special Lecturer: Pushing Structural Performance of Materials by Combining Alloy Design with Disruptive Manufacturing Technologies
Author(s) Rajiv S. Mishra
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Rajiv S. Mishra
Abstract Scope TMS Structural Materials Division is home to professionals who work on advanced materials for structural applications. Ashby’s framework for materials selection neatly catalogues design approaches under elastic-limiting, strength-limiting, fatigue-limiting, toughness-limiting and creep limiting. Over the years I had opportunities to work on microstructural tailoring of advanced alloys to maximize strength-ductility combination, to enable exceptional creep resistance, to enhance fatigue endurance limit and achieve exceptional high strain rate superplasticity. These studies have included severe plastic deformation to produce nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained alloys. Selective examples will be used to highlight microstructural approaches to influence strength-ductility (including specific strength of ~450 MPa m3/mg), creep resistance and fatigue resistance. The best performance is possible by combining alloy design with disruptive materials processing technologies. This synergistic approach is further enhanced by incorporating multiple deformation mechanisms, such as transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) and twinning induced plasticity (TWIP), through alloy design. Controlling the microstructure and stacking fault energy in high entropy alloys enables progression of TRIP and TWIP mechanisms to delay the onset of failure processes and retard crack growth, pushing the fatigue limit.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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SMD Special Lecturer: Pushing Structural Performance of Materials by Combining Alloy Design with Disruptive Manufacturing Technologies
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