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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2021 TMS Special Sessions
Presentation Title New Methodologies: Producing High-Quality Metal from Low-Grade Ores
Author(s) TMS Administration
On-Site Speaker (Planned) TMS Administration
Abstract Scope While there is a high demand for bauxite, not all bauxite ores are fit to produce aluminum of sufficient quality. In addition, a high-quality bauxite – Al2O3 – is necessary to reduce production costs and to avoid environmental issues such as red muds. Fostering Local Aluminum Production IB2, a start-up founded in 2014 and headquartered in France, has pioneered an innovative technology to produce high-quality aluminum from low-grade bauxite. Their approach is focused on four pillars—financial, environmental, strategic, and technological. This presentation will review the innovative process that comes from this approach—a process that allows reliance on newly exploitable low-quality bauxite deposits and reduces dependency on foreign distribution. By boosting local distribution, this technology also serves to reduce carbon emissions related to transportation. This new industrial process is a game-changer, with IB2 leading the way to green and energy-saving aluminum production.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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Introductory Comments
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New Methodologies: Producing High-Quality Metal from Low-Grade Ores
SMD Awards Ceremony & Introduction of Special Lecturer
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Student Career Forum
Young Professional Tutorial Lecture Introduction
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