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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2021 TMS Special Sessions
Presentation Title LMD Special Lecturer: Near Net Manufacturing of Light Metal Alloys
Author(s) Mark A. Easton
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Mark A. Easton
Abstract Scope Near net shape manufacturing of a component shape and appropriate properties for its function can be achieved in one processing step. Benefits can include processing and material efficiency resulting in low cost and a potentially a lower environmental impact. Light Metals have been commonly used in near net shape manufacture. Aluminium castings are almost ubiquitous in automotive applications as gravity, permanent mould and high pressure die castings. Magnesium alloys can enable further design freedom, with thinner walled and more complex castings enabling part consolidation and great functionality. More recently, additive manufacturing has taken net shape processing to another level with highly complex structures, with graded properties enabling applications in biomedical, aerospace, and other industries that were unthought of just a few years ago. Whilst there appears to be a big difference between an automotive wheel casting and an orthopedic lattice structure implanted in a hip joint, the manufacturing challenges are similar: control of microstructure, accommodating solidification shrinkage and defect formation, optimization of properties and design innovation through increasing part complexity. This talk will highlight the development of near net shape manufacturing of light metal alloys.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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Introductory Comments
LMD Awards Ceremony
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LMD Special Lecturer Introduction
LMD Special Lecturer: Near Net Manufacturing of Light Metal Alloys
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Young Professional Tutorial Lecture Introduction
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