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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2021 TMS Special Sessions
Presentation Title Early Career Faculty Fellow Recipient: Integrated Computational Materials Design for Alloy Additive Manufacturing
Author(s) Wei Xiong
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Wei Xiong
Abstract Scope Additive manufacturing, as a versatile technique, can produce complex shape components directly for engineering applications. However, it is challenging to perform a comprehensive design for additive manufacturing processes due to its unique microstructure attributes generated by the complex melting/sintering process. The Integrated Computational Materials Design method can be applied to accelerate the new alloy development and processing optimization in additive manufacturing. The method integrates multiscale microstructure engineering approaches, and especially uses the CALPHAD-based ICME approach as a guide tool, to reveal the process-structure-property relationships. Through the development of the CALPHAD-based ICME methods in the Physical Metallurgy and Materials Design Laboratory at Pitt, we are designing different types of high-performance alloys for additive manufacturing and further improving the post-processing of as-built components which are manufactured by powder-bed fusion and directed energy deposition. In turn, additive manufacturing has also been used as a tool for rapid prototyping to assist in new alloy discovery.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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Early Career Faculty Fellow Recipient: Integrated Computational Materials Design for Alloy Additive Manufacturing
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