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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Thermodynamics of Materials in Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Thermochemistry of Co Transition Metal Nitrides
Author(s) Laura Bonatti, Tamilarasan Subramani, Kristina Lilova, Alexandra Navrotsky
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Laura Bonatti
Abstract Scope Transition metal nitrides (TMN) are known for their mechanical hardness, good corrosion resistance, elevated melting points, high-temperature stability, favorable electrochemical properties, and high chemical stability. Their applications include tools for machining and drilling, coatings, catalysts for water splitting, electrode materials for batteries, and supercapacitors. Although many properties of cobalt nitrides, such as magnetic, conductive, and electronic have been investigated, due to its applications in electronic devices, thermochemical data are still poorly constrained. Such data provide the fundamental groundwork for improving these materials for various applications, especially at extreme conditions. This study applies high temperature oxidative melt solution calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry to determine thermodynamic properties (enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of decomposition) of Co TMN with different stoichiometric metal-nitrogen ratios, such as Co2N, Co3N, and Co4N. Differences in their thermodynamic properties and energetics relative to other TMNs and oxides are discussed to further understand their stabilities.


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