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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Novel Strategies for Rapid Acquisition and Processing of Large Datasets from Advanced Characterization Techniques
Presentation Title Real-Time In-Situ Characterization with Web Technologies at Any Scale
Author(s) Kevin Field, Christopher R.. Field
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kevin Field
Abstract Scope Advances in machine learning (ML) have enabled methods for rapid quantification of large imaging datasets, but many of the proposed methods are post-facto-based workflows. Recently, workflows are being migrated to real-time capabilities on a per-instrument vendor basis. Here, we will present our recent developments of leveraging web technologies, such as WebRTC, Grafana, and Ray, to perform instrument agnostic ML-assisted real-time in-situ characterization. Specifically, we will discuss how leveraging these tools enables an adaptable hardware-software real-time quantification platform that can be tailored for any experiment with or without Internet access using edge, near-edge, and/or cloud computing resources. Results show no loss of detection efficiency and quality compared to post-facto workflows with the highest inference rates of 90 FPS achieved to date using a YOLOv8 model running on a near-edge blade server with NVIDIA A6000 GPUs. We will conclude with a discussion on the current needs to accelerate real-time workflows using ML.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Machine Learning, Characterization, Nuclear Materials


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Probabilistic Orientation Analysis via Direct ODF Calculation from Far Field HEDM
Quantitative 2D and 3D Characterization of Precipitates Microstructure in the Additively Manufactured Titanium Alloy
Real-Time In-Situ Characterization with Web Technologies at Any Scale
Streamlining Engineering Diffraction Analysis Using the MAUD Interface Language Kit (MILK)
Understanding Relaxation Dynamics Beyond Equilibrium Using AI-Informed X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
Using Video Games for Training Data on Microstructural Design
Utilizing Advanced Computer Vision Techniques Based on Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks to Process Micrographs of Ni-base Superalloys
Utilizing Deep Learning Techniques to Accelerate X-ray Absorption and Diffraction Contrast Imaging

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