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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications
Presentation Title Developing Nanostructured Metals for Innovative Medical Implants with Improved Design and Biofunctionality
Author(s) Ruslan Z. Valiev, Evgeny Parfenov, Olga Kulyasova
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ruslan Z. Valiev
Abstract Scope Recent years have witnessed a series of numerous investigative activities to improve existing metallic biomaterials (Ti and Ti alloys, stainless steels, Mg and Fe alloys) by their nanostructuring for advanced medical applications using severe plastic deformation (SPD) processing. Nanostructured metals are peculiar for their enhanced strength and fatigue life, which makes them an excellent choice for fabrication of implants with improved design for dentistry and orthopedics. In this report, we also show that surface modification of nanometals by chemical etching and bioactive coatings leads to a significant improvement of biomedical properties. We demonstrate different examples of fabrication of miniaturized dental implants and nanoTi plates with enhanced osseointegration.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Mechanical Properties, Nanotechnology, Titanium


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Stickiness at Bio-nano-interfaces: From Nanoscale Characterization to Macroscale Properties
The Mechanical Significance of Sublamellar Organization of Mineralized Collagen Fibrils

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