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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts — Concurrent Alloy Design and Processing Science: An LMD Symposium Honoring Raymond Decker
Presentation Title Enabling High Strength AA7xxx Sheet for Automotive Hot Stamping Applications: A Microstructural Perspective
Author(s) Atish Ray, Tudor Piroteala, Rashmi Ranjan Mohanty, John Carsley
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Atish Ray
Abstract Scope Owing to high specific strength, 7xxx aluminum alloys are attracting wide spread attention as potential light weighting alternatives to Press Hardened Steels (PHS) used in passenger safety centric automotive structural members. Similar to PHS, elevated temperature forming techniques using 7xxx aluminum alloys can provide a potential path for mass production of automotive structural parts with high strength and significantly reduced springback. In this study, hot tension tests were conducted on AA7075 sheets using a Gleeble thermomechanical simulator at temperatures between 400 and 480 C at strain rates between 0.1/s to 10/s. The elevated temperature flow stress is analyzed using sine-hyperbolic constitutive equation as proposed by Sellars. The activation energy of hot deformation for AA7075 is estimated to be 182 kJ/mol, which correlates with the deformation mechanism at grain boundaries. This work highlights that if the microstructure is not optimized, then steady state deformation can prematurely localize at grain boundaries.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Aluminum, Shaping and Forming, Mechanical Properties


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