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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts — Concurrent Alloy Design and Processing Science: An LMD Symposium Honoring Raymond Decker
Presentation Title Evolution of Alloy Design, It’s Science/Instruments Base, Tech Transfer Routes and Market Pull, 1921-2021
Author(s) Raymond F. Decker
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Raymond F. Decker
Abstract Scope The art and science of alloy and process design have flourished over the last century. This evolution will be demonstrated by case histories, from 1921 to 2021. The original hypotheses, target properties and target markets will be contrasted with the ultimate properties and uses, while recording the time to market. Most striking is the advance in the science base available for the discoverers – both in microstructure/processing/property theory; but, also, in scientific instruments to confirm the theories. Time of reduction to commercial use of the discoveries has varied from weeks to decades, depending on market pull. Over the century, the support base for alloy discovery and application has evolved from largely industrial based to a base enhanced by Universities, Government Agencies, National Laboratories and entrepreneurs – all playing a role in discovery and tech transfer.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords ICME, Magnesium, Other


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Evolution of Alloy Design, It’s Science/Instruments Base, Tech Transfer Routes and Market Pull, 1921-2021
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Magnesium Sheet Alloy Development for Room Temperature Forming
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