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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts — Concurrent Alloy Design and Processing Science: An LMD Symposium Honoring Raymond Decker
Presentation Title Magnesium Sheet Alloy Development for Room Temperature Forming
Author(s) Alan A. Luo, Renhai Shi, Jiashi Miao, Thomas Avey
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Alan A. Luo
Abstract Scope The majority of the forming processes used to convert sheet metal into automobile components occur at room temperature (RT), including stamping, flanging, bending, hemming and trimming. Unfortunately, the limited RT formability of magnesium due to its hexagonal close packed (HCP) structure makes the use of these processes very difficult. However, the formability of magnesium can be improved via fine grain structure and random texture to enable some RT forming operations. This talk presents the latest magnesium alloy development at The Ohio State University supported by the United States Automotive Materials Partnership (USAMP). Our alloy design and thermomechanical process development are based on CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagram) and kinetic modeling as well as experimental validation. The new sheet alloy offers excellent ductility (31% tensile elongation) and RT formability (7.8 mm Erichsen Index) at solution-treated condition (T4), and a high yield strength (270 MPa) upon post-forming aging treatment (T6).
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Magnesium, ICME, Mechanical Properties


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Magnesium Sheet Alloy Development for Room Temperature Forming
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