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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts — Concurrent Alloy Design and Processing Science: An LMD Symposium Honoring Raymond Decker
Presentation Title New Under the Sun
Author(s) Robert D Carnahan, Victoria M. Miller
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Robert D Carnahan
Abstract Scope I’m delighted and honored for the priviledge to toast Dr. Raymond Decker, my dear old friend and colleague on this occasion. When we initially became engaged in Thixomolding of Magnesium in 1989, we were survivors of the 1980’s Corporate Merger and Acquisition Pandemic. A key feature ensuing M&A was consolidation and divesture of duplicate organizational functions to maximize investor’s returns, foremost of which was R&D. While the growth of the equipment and end-user base continues to grow beyond the expiration of the basic Process patents, Thixomat has morphed to a holding company in which its principal activity is further commercialization of Patented ultra fine Nano grain high strength Magnesium alloys for structural applications and BioMag, a patented Bioabsorbable Orthopedic implant for the CMF(Cranio Maxillo facial) market enabled by TMP of precursor Thixomolded biocompatible alloys.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:


Development of Biomaterials at NanoMAG from a Historical and Commercial Perspective
Enabling High Strength AA7xxx Sheet for Automotive Hot Stamping Applications: A Microstructural Perspective
Evolution of Alloy Design, It’s Science/Instruments Base, Tech Transfer Routes and Market Pull, 1921-2021
Impacts of Grain Boundary Particle Characteristics on Twin Transmission
Magnesium Sheet Alloy Development for Room Temperature Forming
New Under the Sun
Nickel-base Alloys Development:Then and Now
Thixomolded Magnesium: Quick, Light, and Mighty

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