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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Grain Boundaries, Interfaces, and Surfaces: Fundamental Structure-Property-Performance Relationships
Sponsorship ACerS Basic Science Division
Organizer(s) Melissa K. Santala, Oregon State University
Catherine M. Bishop, University of Canterbury
John Blendell, Purdue University
Shen J. Dillon, University of California, Irvine
Wayne D. Kaplan, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Wolfgang Rheinheimer, University of Stuttgart
Ming Tang, Rice University
Scope Interfaces play a key role in microstructure evolution of polycrystals and complex material systems. Many engineering properties are dominated by interfacial properties, e.g. mechanical properties that depend on the grain boundary structure. For electronic materials, grain boundaries and interfaces significantly affect charge carrier mobility. In most ceramic systems, interfaces include a charged core with an adjacent space charge, posing a significant challenge for use of ionic conductors in applications such as fuel cells and batteries.

This symposium invites contributions addressing the thermodynamics, kinetics, and structure of interfaces, and the resulting microstructural evolution and material properties. These fundamental questions require contributions that address issues at various length scales, both experimental and theoretical. Of interest are the fundamentals of interface structure, chemistry, space charge, evolution and properties in functional settings such as batteries, fuel cells, ferroelectrics, photovoltaics, catalysts, and sensors during processing or operation.

Topics of this symposium include but are not limited to:

• Thermodynamic vs. kinetic stability of interfaces
• Thermodynamics and kinetics of microstructural evolution, including wetting, sintering, grain growth, and other morphological changes
• Theory, modeling, and informatics methodology for predicting interface structure and structure-property relations across length and time scales
• Advanced characterization techniques applied to interfaces
• Fundamentals of space charge, e.g. segregation, adsorption, electronic structures
• Impact of interfaces on applications, including, but not limited to: ionic conductors, catalysis, composites, and sensors

Abstracts Due 05/15/2024

A Correlative Microscopy Framework for In Situ Grain Growth Studies in Thin Films
A Model for Grain Boundary Strengthening
Abnormal Grain Growth in Metallic Thin Films Under High Cyclic Loading
An Atomistic Study of the Radiation Response of Grain Boundaries in High Entropy Alloys
An Orientation-Field Phase Field Model of Grain Growth
Billion-Cycle Fatigue Endurance Enabled via Grain Boundary Stabilization
Charged Dislocations and Charged Grain Boundaries in Ionic Ceramics
Charged Domains on the Surface of a Centrosymmetric Ferroelastic Crystal
Data Analytics for Sintering Regimes Identification
Direct Nanovolumetric Investigation of Domain Walls and Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline Functional Oxides
Direct Observation of Anisotropic Growth of Nickel Oxide Nanostructure by the Terrace-Ledge-Kink Mechanism
E-1: Effects of Al, Bi, Ce, and Ti Additions on the Microstructure of Ni-Alloyed Ductile Iron
E-2: Grains Ain't Misbehaving or Going Wild? A Spontaneous Activation of Grain Boundaries Initiating Abnormal Grain Growth!
E-3: Research of Special Boundaries in the Heat Treatment of Materials in the Two-Phase Region under Supercritical Temperature Effects
E-4: Role of Cerium on Intricacies of Deformed State and Softening Kinetics of Low Carbon Steels
E-5: Study on Interfacial Reaction and IMC Growth Kinetics in Sn-Based Lead-Free Solder Reinforced by Nickel-Coated Carbon Fiber
E-6: UO2 Grain Boundaries Interactions with Hydrogen Using Large Scale Density Functional Theory
Grain Boundary Migration in the Presence of a Liquid Phase
Grain Boundary Misorientation-Dependent Phase Transforming TiOx Polycrystals
Grain Boundary Phase Transformations in Segregated Metallic Alloys
Grain Boundary Segregation and Solute Drag in Multicomponent Alloys
Grain Boundary Segregation Behavior in Ni and Fe Based Alloys During Diffusional Creep
Identifying Subgrain Boundary Migration Behavior at Early Stage Recrystallization
In Situ TEM Strain Rate Dependence of Activation Volume in Au Ultrafine Grained Thin Films
Influence of Initial Duplex Microstructure on Solid-State Pseudo-Single Crystal Growth of CoTi2O5
Influences of Ternary Solutes on Nanocrystalline Stability
Inherent Chemical Disorder at Grain Boundaries in Complex Oxides
Local Cationic Ordering in Iron-Substituted Strontium Titanate
Machine Learning-Aided Optimization of the Flash Sintering Process
Microstructural Effects on Percolating Ionic Ceramic Granular Structures
Multi-Scale Analysis of Lath Boundary Sliding during Plastic Deformation of Lath Martensite In Low-Carbon-Steel
Multiscale Data Analytics Strategy for Sintering
Observation of Abnormal Grain Growth in 4D of Pure Ni
On the Aleatoric Uncertainty and Uncertainty Propagation in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Grain Growth
Phase Field Data Analytics of Grain Boundary LiFePO4 Kinetics
Predicting the Structure and Transitions of Grain Boundaries in BCC Metals
Quantitative Analysis of Ca and Y Segregation Behaviors in Magnesium Aluminate Spinel
Role of Ripplocations and Ripplocation Boundaries on the Deformation of Graphite
Special Grain Boundaries in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys as Sites for Preferential Martensite Nucleation
Stabilized Grain Boundaries in CuTa Alloys and Their Resulting Properties
STEM Dynamic Observations of Grain Boundary Fracture, Diffusion and Phase Transformation in Oxides
Stressing Grain Boundaries to Change Local Properties
Surface Energy Measurements of Yttrium Oxide
The Influence of Zr on the Dewetting of Cu-Zr Alloy Thin Films
The Role of Grain Boundary Dislocations in the Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials
Thicker Amorphous Grain Boundary Complexions Lead to Increased Plasticity in Nanocrystalline Cu Alloys

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