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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated Through Novel In-Situ Experiments and Modeling
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Advanced Characterization, Testing, and Simulation Committee
TMS: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Committee
TMS: Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Minh-Son Pham, Imperial College London
Saurabh Puri, Microstructure Engineering
Amit Pandey, Lockheed Martin Space
Dongchan Jang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Josh Kacher, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jagannathan Rajagopalan, Arizona State University
Robert Wheeler, Microtesting Solutions LLC
Dhriti Bhattacharyya, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
Scope The focus of this symposium is to discuss current research and key developments in theory, computational and experimental methods to study and predict the mechanical properties of materials in application-orientated environments. These environments may include, but are not limited to high mechanical loads, cryogenic (or high) temperatures, electrical and magnetic field, radiation, corrosion and oxidation. In-situ mechanical testing using SEM, TEM, AFM, Raman, synchrotron, X-ray, IR, and FTIR observation techniques are becoming increasingly popular for studying the material response during processing or under external loads across time and length scales. At the same time, significant progress has been made in the development of high fidelity models to analyze (or validate hypotheses of) the behavior of materials at different spatial and temporal scales. The intent of the symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from national laboratories, academia, and industry to discuss research progresses in the area of in operando and/or in-situ mechanical testing across time and length scales, advances in computational approaches and most importantly, integration of experiments and modeling to accelerate the development and acceptance of innovative materials and testing techniques.

Topics include:
Development of instruments and experimental methodology for in-situ studies of material responses in advanced manufacturing and deformation processes.
Imaging, analytical and modeling techniques to correlate microstructure (including dislocations, crystallographic orientations, precipitates, phases), processing defects, and strain field with mechanical properties.
Microstructural observations using in-situ techniques across length scales.
Experimental characterization and multiscale modeling of deformation of high-temperature materials, high-strength materials, thin films, low-dimension nanostructures, and interfaces.
Uncertainty quantification and quantitative validation of computational models.

We are planning to have a joint session with the symposium entitled, Advanced Real Time Imaging. Respective abstracts will be selected to include in the joint session.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Mesoscale Modeling Approach to Predict Microstructural Evolution During Hypervelocity Impact of Aluminum
A Virtual Framework to Model the Microstructural Evolution in Laser-Direct-Drive Experiments
Acoustic Emission Testing During In-Situ Ion Irradiation
Advancing High-Temperature Image Analysis and Physical Property Measurements With Ultra-Violet Imaging
An Experimental Technique for Probing Cavitation Pressure in Soft Matter Under Azimuthal Shear
Automated DIC-Based Local Identification of Various Nanoscale Plastic Deformation Mechanisms in HCP
Billion-Cycle Fatigue Endurance Enabled via Grain Boundary Stabilization
Characterizing Phenomena in Metals and Alloys at the Single Defect Level
Contribution of Slip, Twinning and De-Twinning to the Mechanical Deformation of Haynes 244® Alloy at 23ºC and 650ºC
CRSS Determination in α-Ti: Modelling and In-Situ TEM study
Crystal Plasticity Experiments With Microstructure Clones
Data Acquisition and Modeling to Enable Microstructure Tailorability in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Discrete Dislocation Dynamic Simulation of Shock-Induced Plasticity in Aluminum Motivated by Atomistic Data
Evaluating Phase-Field Simulations of Brittle Fracture in Polycrystalline Materials
Evaluation of the ΔT Creep Test as a Parallelized Test Method
Examination of Deformation Rate Effects Using Profilometry-Based Indentation Plastometry
Exploring Unusual Lüders Deformation in UFG high-Mn Austenitic Steel
Finite Element Modeling of Impacts for the Measurement of Material Properties
High Temperature Profilometry-Based Indentation Plastometry (HT-PIP) – Influence of Creep on Experimental Outcomes
Hydrogen Assisted Vacancy Production and Its Effects on Creep in Structural Steels
In-Situ Characterization Investigating Damage Propagation of SiC Composite Cladding
In-Situ Imaging of Spall Fracture
In-Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy Testing of Metallic Materials: New Methods & Insights
In-Situ TEM Study on Toughening Mechanisms in Metal-Graphene Nanolayered Composites
In Situ Digital Imaging Correlation Analysis of Ultrasonic Effects on Dynamic and Static Strain Aging
In Situ MicroCT Radiograph Corrections for Sub-Micron Scale Digital Volume Correlation
In Situ Nanomechanical Testing at Cryogenic Temperatures
Influence of Lattice Metamaterial Topology on Mechanical Response From Quasistatic to Shock Compaction Regimes
Influence of Mechanical, Thermal, and Corrosive Impacts on the Performance of Light Metal Structures and Biomaterials
Influence of Non-Uniaxial Bending on Twinning and Phase Transformation in Molybdenum Nanowires
Influence of Unimodal and Bimodal γ' Precipitate Size Distributions on the Deformation Mechanisms in ATI 718Plus
Interfacial Plasticity of Nano-Twinned Cu After Proton Irradiation
Investigation of Dislocation-Grain Boundary Interactions through In-Situ Direct Tensile Testing With High-Resolution Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Investigation of Size Effect in the Elastic Regime Through Micro-Scale Cantilever Bending Experiments
Kindling of Burning Particles to Metallic Substrates in High-Pressure Oxygen
Laboratory-Scale Simulation and Combined Modelling of Hot Multi-Directional Open-Die Forging and Cogging
Macroscopic Strain Path Dependence on the Orientation and the Distribution of Microscopic Strain Localization in Dual-Phase Steels
Mapping Strain, Stress and Orientation in Metals in 3D
Microstructural Impact on Brittle Fracture Path Investigated via High-Energy Synchrotron Techniques
Microstructure and Mechanical Property Correlation of Multi-Component Materials Using the PI 89 Auto SEM PicoIndenter
Modeling Laser-Induced Microparticle Acceleration Using a Mesoscale-Continuum Approach
Neutron Residual Stress Characterization: New Steps Towards Harmonization and Standardization
Nitrogen Hardening and Its Resistance to Aging in a Martensitic Nitrided Steel Investigated by High Speed Nanoindentation
Per-Grain Behaviour in a Duplex-Steel During Stress Induced Phase Transformations
Phase Field Microelasticity Theory and Modeling of Dislocation Dynamics in an Elastically and Structurally Inhomogeneous Solid
Phase Field Modeling of Slip Transfer in Thick Biphase Interfaces in HCP/BCC Nanolaminates
Programming the Crack Propagation and Toughness in Mechanical Metamaterials
Quantifying the Response of Metals at Elevated Temperatures and Strain Rates Above 106 s-1
Real-Time Sub-Microscopic Observation and Atomic Simulation of Deformation-Induced Martensitic Transformation at Grain Boundaries
Severe Plastic Deformation, Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Commercially Pure Aluminium, Tribological Properties, Wear Loss, Coefficient of Friction, Design of Experiments
Small-Scale Mechanical Testing of Material Properties Enabled by Site-Specific Femtosecond Laser Machining
Spatial and Temporal Deformation Behaviour of Hybrid Wrought – Additively Manufactured Inconel 718
Stochastic Direct Modeling of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polycrystals
Strain Rate Dependence of Activation Volume in Au Ultrafine Grained Thin Films Investigated by In Situ TEM
Strain Rate Sensitivity: A Comparative Analysis of Nanoindentation and Split Hopkinson Bar Measurement Techniques
Strength and Deformability in Nanolaminates Containing Thick 3D Interfaces
Superelastic Behavior in Shape Memory Alloys Studied by In-Situ SEM and TEM Nano-Compression and Nano-Tensile Tests
Tensile Deformation Behavior of Polycrystalline Pure Cobalt With HCP / FCC Dual Phase Studied by In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction
The Development of the Δσ Parallelized Creep Test
The Effect of β Phase Stability on the Cyclic Transformation Behaviour Metastable Ti Alloys
The Influence of Concurrent Structural Mechanics and Fluid Flow in Microstructure Solidification Modelling
The Role of Precipitates on Cyclic Stability of NiTi and NiTiCu Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films
Thermo-Mechanical Performance of Composite Metal Foams
Title: In-Situ Tribological Analysis of UHMWPE Ski Bases and Advanced Wax Formulations for Enhanced Glide Performance
Wear Mechanisms in Vacuum and Air: An In-Situ Comparative Study
Operando, Correlated Mechanical Microscopy of the Ni—Mo System

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