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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advances in Surface Engineering
Presentation Title Performance Analysis of Biomimetic Ionic Polymer-metal Composite (IPMC) Thin-Film Actuators
Author(s) Allison Arnold, Kavin Sivaneri Varadharajan Idhaiam, Lisa Hilgar, Edward M. Sabolsky, Ji Su
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Allison Arnold
Abstract Scope Electroactive polymers (EAPs) continue to gain attention for their potential to offer unique and versatile solutions in the soft robotic and flexible electronic industries. Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs), an ionic-type EAP, have great promise as electromechanical sensors and actuators due to their relatively large responses to low applied voltages (1-3 V) and mechanical strains. Investigations into IPMC’s performance potentials as actuators have proven challenging as the material is limited by the integrated solvent properties, predominantly water. As a result, the material’s performance largely correlates with hydration level throughout usage. This research seeks to not only to characterize and quantify these material behaviors, but also investigate potential solutions to allow for increased service life of the actuator, in addition to examining its adaptability towards biomimetic and bio-compatible applications. To accomplish this, the technology’s potential will be further expanded through incorporation of engineered micro-formed/actuated architectures, detailed with biomimetic patterns and nano-inclusions.


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