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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advances in Surface Engineering
Presentation Title Nucleation, Growth, and Grain Structure Control of Electrodeposited Graded Density Alloys
Author(s) Michael McBride, Donald R Johnson, Jamie Stull, Enkeleda Dervishi, Randall Edwards, Daniel Hooks
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Michael McBride
Abstract Scope Driven by an interest in dynamic high-pressure research, we are developing methods to create thick (mm) electrodeposited films of alloys with graded composition and density. We are designing deposition processes to dynamically control nucleation and growth to investigate correlations between grain structure and dynamic properties. Controlling nucleation and growth is critical to influencing ultimate grain structure in the deposit, so we have also determined and applied some basic nucleation and growth parameters for our systems. We present a study of electroplated films with compositional gradients and varied microstructures up to thicknesses of several mm for gold and silver, with discussion of other alloys in development. Constant potential and pulsed plating techniques were used to create a variety of grain structures, including high aspect ratio columnar grains. Microscopy was correlated with mechanical characterization of the films at several rates and scales, and related to nucleation and growth parameters. LA-UR-19-31897


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Nucleation, Growth, and Grain Structure Control of Electrodeposited Graded Density Alloys
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