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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanics and Physiological Adaptation of Hard and Soft Biomaterials and Biological Tissues
Presentation Title Materials for Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology
Author(s) Pavithra Jayathilaka, Thomas Molley, Yuwan Huang, Meredith Silberstein, Jay Kruzic, Kristopher Kilian
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kristopher Kilian
Abstract Scope Most hydrogels used in biomedical applications display a homogenous static architecture. In contrast, natural hydrogels in tissue are highly dynamic, where internal and external forces will catalyse changes in chemistry, architecture, and mechanical properties. In this presentation I will demonstrate how materials chemistry can be used to fabricate dynamic hydrogels that mimic signaling in natural tissue. First, I will demonstrate mechanochemical linkages that release molecules in response to force. Crosslinking hydrogels with an oxanorbornadiene molecule facilitates biomolecule release through a force-mediated retro Diels-Alder reaction. Next, I will show an alternative mechanochemical approach where polymeric microcapsules are integrated within the hydrogel, and how force can trigger rupture to release bioactive molecules. Together, these mechanochemistry concepts that mimic natural processes in the extracellular matrix, provides a new approach to making force-responsive dynamic biomaterials for a broad spectrum of applications including implant adhesives and coatings, bandages, biosensors, and materials for tissue engineering.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Mechanical Properties, Polymers


Adaptation of Hard and Soft Tissues Structures to Physiological Loading Patterns
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Bone Adaptation as a Response to Mechanical Loading in Zebrafish
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Impact of Test Environment on the Fracture Resistance of Cortical Bone
Learning from Nature - How Biological Hard Tissues Cope with Stress
Materials for Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology
Mechanics and Applications of Bioinspired Bioadhesives for Tissue Repair
Mimicking the Structure and Properties of Bone with Freeze Casting
Mineral Ellipsoids and Nanochannel Structures in Bone
Multi-scale Characterization of Ear Bone Mechanics

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