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About this Symposium
Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium The Future of Work in Materials Science
Sponsorship TMS: Professional Development Committee
TMS: Emerging Professionals Committee
Organizer(s) Richard A. Otis, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
James Edward Saal, Citrine Informatics
Soumya Varma, KLA Corporation
Surojit Gupta, University of North Dakota
Scope This symposium aims to explore the impact of hybrid/remote work on how materials scientists and engineers collaborate, as well as to discuss the future of work in the field. With the continued advancement of teleworking technology and the increasing demand for flexibility in the workplace, the way we work has undergone significant changes. This symposium will bring together experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by hybrid/remote work and advanced collaboration technologies, and to consider how these changes might shape the future of work in materials science.

Potential topics for discussion include (but are not limited to):
• The benefits and challenges of hybrid and remote work for materials scientists and engineers
• Best practices and lessons learned for conducting research and collaborating remotely
• Synchronous and asynchronous communication skills, and how to teach them
• Challenges and solutions for virtual classroom teaching and hybrid materials science education
• Impacts on the job market and career advancement in materials science
• Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility considerations for remote research and collaboration
• Predictions for the future of work in materials science, and how to prepare for it

Abstracts Due 07/15/2023
Proceedings Plan Planned:

How to Navigate the World of Hybrid Learning - A Perspective
Leveraging Remote Work to Accelerate Material Informatics by Implementing Machine Learning Web Applications and Introducing Statistical Analysis Tools for Materials Scientists in a Chemical Corporation
Navigating Tenure in a Post-Covid World
Remote Collaboration and Education in 3D Printing: Strategies for Engaging and Training Remote Learners
The Online REU (O-REU) Program at Texas A&M University
Transatlantic Nuclear Fuels: International Collaboration in the COVID-19 Era and Its Impact on the Future of Work

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