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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Progressive Solutions to Improve Corrosion Resistance of Nuclear Waste Storage Materials
Presentation Title Structural Descriptors Controlling Sulfur Solubility in Borosilicate Glasses
Author(s) Ashutosh Goel, Rajan Saini, Xinyi Xu, Randall Youngman, Hellmut Eckert, John McCloy
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ashutosh Goel
Abstract Scope The low sulfur solubility in borosilicate glass melts is a major problem during the vitrification of nuclear waste. Exceeding the solubility limit of sulfate results in the formation of an immiscible sulfate salt layer that floats on top of the melt. The salt layer's high electrical conductivity and poor durability can cause several problems for the melter, thus severely impacting its performance and lifetime. Therefore, nuclear waste glasses with enhanced sulfur solubility need to be developed for the safe operation of the melter. However, this arduous task cannot be accomplished by a trial-and-error approach; but requires a rigorous establishment of composition-structure-sulfate solubility relationships in borosilicate glasses. The presentation will focus on elucidating the compositional and structural dependence of sulfur solubility in multicomponent borosilicate glasses. The aim will be to address some long-standing issues about the impact of various oxides on sulfur solubility in nuclear waste glasses.


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Structural Descriptors Controlling Sulfur Solubility in Borosilicate Glasses
Topological Model of the Dissolution Kinetics of Borosilicate Glasses

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