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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Progressive Solutions to Improve Corrosion Resistance of Nuclear Waste Storage Materials
Presentation Title An Integrated Data-driven and Physics-driven Approach Towards Discovering Optimal Nuclear Waste Immobilization Glass
Author(s) N M Anoop Krishnan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) N M Anoop Krishnan
Abstract Scope Glasses are widely used for the immobilization of nuclear waste. However, the effect of compositions on the structure and properties of glass remains poorly understood. Here, we employ the latest advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and atomistic simulations to enable an optimal design of the nuclear waste matrix. Specifically, we employ natural language processing to extract a large corpus of literature on glasses used for nuclear waste immobilization. Further, by analyzing these manuscripts, we extract datasets on composition, structure (such as Qn distribution), and properties, such as dissolution rate. Further, we employ machine-learning approaches to develop a predictive model, which enables the design of glass composition with targetted dissolution rate. Finally, we employ atomistic simulations to understand the role of medium-range order in governing the dissolution behavior of glasses.


An Integrated Data-driven and Physics-driven Approach Towards Discovering Optimal Nuclear Waste Immobilization Glass
Chloride-induced Stress Corrosion Crack in Spent Nuclear Fuel Canisters: Understanding and Mitigating
Evaluating the Sensitivities of an Environmental Cracking LEFM-based Model for Use in Realistic Lifetime Predictions of Nuclear Waste Storage Casks
Gel Layer Structures and Properties of Silicate Glasses: Understanding the Corrosion of Glasses for Nuclear Waste Disposal
SiON Protective Coatings for U-shaped Stainless Steel
Structural Descriptors Controlling Sulfur Solubility in Borosilicate Glasses
Topological Model of the Dissolution Kinetics of Borosilicate Glasses

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