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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Progressive Solutions to Improve Corrosion Resistance of Nuclear Waste Storage Materials
Presentation Title Gel Layer Structures and Properties of Silicate Glasses: Understanding the Corrosion of Glasses for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Author(s) Jincheng Du
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jincheng Du
Abstract Scope The gel layer formed as a result of corrosion of silicate and borosilicate glasses was found to play an important role on their long-term chemical durability, a property critical for the materials as a media for nuclear waste disposal. In this talk, I will present our latest results on characterization of the gel layer structures, dynamics and properties by using reactive potential based molecular dynamics simulations. Hydrated silicate and aluminosilicate gel structures with different porosity were generated and their atomic and microstructure characterized and mechanical properties calculated. The simulation results were compared with experiments such as neutron diffraction and Atom Probe Tomography. Diffusive transport of water and dissolved species, as well as the vibrational spectrum and mechanical properties as a function of porosity were studied. These simulation results provide atomic insights and mechanistic understanding of silicate and borosilicate for nuclear waste disposal.


An Integrated Data-driven and Physics-driven Approach Towards Discovering Optimal Nuclear Waste Immobilization Glass
Chloride-induced Stress Corrosion Crack in Spent Nuclear Fuel Canisters: Understanding and Mitigating
Evaluating the Sensitivities of an Environmental Cracking LEFM-based Model for Use in Realistic Lifetime Predictions of Nuclear Waste Storage Casks
Gel Layer Structures and Properties of Silicate Glasses: Understanding the Corrosion of Glasses for Nuclear Waste Disposal
SiON Protective Coatings for U-shaped Stainless Steel
Structural Descriptors Controlling Sulfur Solubility in Borosilicate Glasses
Topological Model of the Dissolution Kinetics of Borosilicate Glasses

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