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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Undergraduate Research in Ceramics
Presentation Title The Creation and Implementation of a Ceramics and Glass Science Research Laboratory at a Primarily Undergraduate College
Author(s) Casey M. Schwarz, Rashi Sharma, Julie Donnelly, Myungkoo Kang, Kathleen Richardson, Adelle Schade
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Casey M. Schwarz
Abstract Scope In this work we will demonstrate the creation and implementation of a ceramics and glass science research laboratory built and run at Ursinus College. Through both academic and industry collaboration we have created a novel, successful and busy ceramics and glass science laboratory engaging undergraduate students at all levels. We will present examples of actual research conducted by our undergraduate students, papers and presented at conferences by undergraduates, research done at other institution by Ursinus students and funding opportunities. Additional discussion will include the creation of a materials science course and ceramics and glass science advanced laboratories to best support the students within the academic environment and prepare them for research in the field. Outreach experiences and opportunities for students in materials, ceramics and glass science will also be included. Student outcomes and assessment, workforce development in glass/ceramics as well as the future of this research will be discussed.


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The Creation and Implementation of a Ceramics and Glass Science Research Laboratory at a Primarily Undergraduate College

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