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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Undergraduate Research in Ceramics
Presentation Title Systematic Measurement of Isobaric Specific Heat Capacity
Author(s) Hillary Smith, Colby Stoddard
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hillary Smith
Abstract Scope The effect of Cu concentration on thermodynamic properties in Pt80-xCuxP20 metal/metalloid glasses has been systemically investigated using differential scanning calorimetry. The thermodynamic functions of excess enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy between the liquid and crystal phases were calculated as a function of Cu content from the isobaric specific heat capacity measurement of the glass, crystal and liquid. The glass transition, crystallization, and liquidus temperatures, and the enthalpies of crystallization and melting were also assessed. Undergraduate students were exclusively responsible for the measurements and analysis presented here. The background and training necessary for independent student work will be discussed. Additional student contributions including detailed instrument calibration and development of Python code for data analysis will also be highlighted.


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Funding Undergraduate Research in Glass at Coe College
Processing of Native Minerals and Glasses for Clay-based Ceramics
Systematic Measurement of Isobaric Specific Heat Capacity
The Creation and Implementation of a Ceramics and Glass Science Research Laboratory at a Primarily Undergraduate College

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