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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Undergraduate Research in Ceramics
Presentation Title Processing of Native Minerals and Glasses for Clay-based Ceramics
Author(s) Jenna D. Sayler, Katrina J Donovan, Jon J Kellar
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jenna D. Sayler
Abstract Scope The research project was performed to produce a functional piece of glazed pottery made from clay and other native minerals originating from the Black Hills area. The samples were prepared through comminution and classification of dry mineral samples, then formulating the sample with water to create a workable clay. Next, a greenware piece of pottery was made for multiple clay trials using the pinch pot formation method. More trials were performed on glass creation where stained glass scraps were comminuted and fired to determine final color.


Beyond The Laboratories - How to Create a Thriving Community Around Science
Funding Undergraduate Research in Glass at Coe College
Processing of Native Minerals and Glasses for Clay-based Ceramics
Systematic Measurement of Isobaric Specific Heat Capacity
The Creation and Implementation of a Ceramics and Glass Science Research Laboratory at a Primarily Undergraduate College

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