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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Materials Informatics for Images and Multi-dimensional Datasets
Presentation Title Incorporating Materials Physics into Imaging Algorithms for Microscope Image Interpretation
Author(s) Jeff P. Simmons
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jeff P. Simmons
Abstract Scope In microscopy, the signal recorded for each pixel is composed of the true signal plus noise. No matter how much data is collected, there will always be at least twice as many parameters to estimate as there are pixel measurements, Microscopy, then, constitutes ill-posed problems with many equally valid solutions to the governing equations. Machine learning excels at solving ill-posed problems, but using physics allows us to exceed the performance of off-the-shelf machine learning algorithms. This can be in the form of either forward modeling of the true signal or by “regularizing.” Regularizing allows for a rationale for choosing a particular solution among the many valid ones. This presentation gives examples of phase field regularization for polycrystalline SiC, of fluid dynamics analogues to continuous fibers in SiC/SiC composite materials, and of object symmetries, as predicted from the Curie Principle, used for tuning deep neural networks for Ni dendrite core detection.


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Automated Optical Microscopy for Rapid Defect Screening
Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Microstructural Image Data
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FAIR Digital Object Framework and High Throughput Experiment
Feature Characterization of Electron Backscatter Patterns from Rotating Lattice Single Crystals Using Machine Learning
Identifying Crack Initiation Sites with CNNs
Incorporating Materials Physics into Imaging Algorithms for Microscope Image Interpretation
Introductory Comments: Materials Informatics for Images and Multi-dimensional Datasets
Keyhole Porosity Threshold in Laser Melting Revealed by High-Speed X-ray Imaging
Microstructure Representation for Physically Meaningful Descriptors
Neural Networks and Community Driven Software for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Towards Smart Categorization of Growth Morphology by Machine Learning

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