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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
Presentation Title Functionally-graded Interlayers for Enhanced Divertor/Heatsink Bonding
Author(s) Huong Le, Kamyar Ahmadi, Brian Skinn, Stephen Snyder, Ed Liguori, Timothy Hall
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Huong Le
Abstract Scope At present, an international consortium is engaged in a project that involves construction of an historical large-scale, energy-positive fusion reactor. Among the numerous components undergoing development and refinement are the divertor modules situated at the bottom of the vacuum vessel, which extract heat and ash produced by the fusion reaction, minimize plasma contamination, and protect the surrounding walls from thermal and neutronic loads. In order to provide the high heat transfer capacity necessary to handle the anticipated flux from the fusion plasma, it is planned to use copper alloy heatsinks in combination with tungsten plasma-facing components (PFCs). However, the dramatic mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion between tungsten and copper represents a significant outstanding challenge for this combination of materials. In this communication, we describe the potential for economical, scalable pulsed FARADAYIC® ElectroDeposition of functionally-graded interlayers for enhanced PFC/heatsink bonding properties.


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Functionally-graded Interlayers for Enhanced Divertor/Heatsink Bonding
Introductory Comments: Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
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